• Hi I get the following Error when doing a batchupdate on a recordset. The recordset was opened adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, Disconnected

    ADO Error -2147217900:

    UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'

    SQL SP2

    The recordset gets generated from a view in SQL (ie "Select * from vwCustomerItemCategoryMarkup"). The CustomerItemCategoryMarkup table has 3 columns: CustomerID, ItemcategoryID, MarkupPercentage. The view ALSO has an INDEX on CustomerID,ItemCategoryID (WITH SCHEMABINDING). When the Index is removed from the View the error disappears and the update works, BUT as soon as the Index is put back into place the Error reappears. The error only happens when the update is done via ADO(connected or disconnected rs) and not when done in Query Analyzer

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