Slow query, strange plan gen and recompiles

  • Hi all

    Well, SP3 of SQL Server is slowly killing me. Issues I am having:

    a) Developer alters a view via EM, occasionally this completely screws the procedure cache and any subsequent stored proc execution or view selection returns column data in the wrong order (columns shift to the left by 1) ! a DBCC FREEPROCCACHE fixes the problem immediatley. THis all happens randomly and its difficult to repeat.

    b) A single stored proc, after some period of heavy activity, suddenly decides to generate a completely difference execution plan for itself, random users will get the "working" plan (returning data in 1 sec) and others get the "bung" plan, returing data in 40secs. I had to add the with recompile option to it to stop the problem reoccuring. Doesnt happen anywhere else that I know of to date.

    c) For some strange reason, this query is taking 30 to 40 sec to run. The issue is around the selects for the 3 sums we are doing. The first column (FILL_COUNT) is fine, add the next the query takes another 4 sec, add the third and it adds another 8 sec onto that!. The generated plan is optimal and uses index seeks and good use of the buffer cache and minimal physical IO when it needs to.

    SELECT DISTINCT LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AS CPS_NO,

    ISNULL(CPS.cps_fee_exempt_ind, 0) AS IS_FEE_EXEMPT,

    QC.public_desc + ' ' + TP.registered_name AS COURSE_QUAL,

    (SELECT isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0) FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.LODGEMENT_NO AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'Z') AS FULL_COUNT,

    (SELECT isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0) FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.LODGEMENT_NO AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id NOT IN ('V', 'Z')) AS CONCESSION_COUNT,

    (SELECT isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0) FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.LODGEMENT_NO AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'V') AS FEE_EXEMPT


    lodgement_enrolment LE (nolock) INNER JOIN contracted_program_study CPS (nolock) ON LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = CPS.cps_no INNER JOIN Training_Product TP (nolock) ON CPS.cps_training_product_id = TP.training_product_id INNER JOIN lodgement L (nolock) ON LE.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.lodgement_no INNER JOIN Course C (nolock) ON TP.training_product_id = C.training_product_id INNER JOIN Qualification_Category QC (nolock) ON C.qual_cat_code = QC.qual_cat_code

    Where (L.lodgement_org_id = @OrgID) And (L.LODGEMENT_NO = @LodgementNumber)

    Now, I reworked it as shown below and all runs in 800msec... im bamboozled as to what is going on here.

    DECLARE @logdefee TABLE






    FULL_COUNT int,


    FEE_EXEMPT int


    INSERT INTO @logdefee

    (lodgeenrol_match_cps_no, cps_no, is_fee_exempt, course_qual)



    LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AS CPS_NO,

    ISNULL(CPS.cps_fee_exempt_ind, 0) AS IS_FEE_EXEMPT,

    QC.public_desc + ' ' + TP.registered_name AS COURSE_QUAL


    lodgement L

    INNER JOIN lodgement_enrolment LE (nolock)

    ON L.lodgement_org_id = @OrgID

    and L.LODGEMENT_NO = @LodgementNumber

    and LE.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.lodgement_no

    INNER JOIN contracted_program_study CPS (nolock)

    ON LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = CPS.cps_no

    INNER JOIN Training_Product TP (nolock)

    ON CPS.cps_training_product_id = TP.training_product_id

    INNER JOIN Course C (nolock)

    ON TP.training_product_id = C.training_product_id

    INNER JOIN Qualification_Category QC (nolock)

    ON C.qual_cat_code = QC.qual_cat_code

    UPDATE @logdefee


    FULL_COUNT = isnull((select isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0)

    FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 (nolock)

    WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @LodgementNumber

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = cps_no

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'Z'


    FROM @logdefee

    UPDATE @logdefee

    SET CONCESSION_COUNT = isnull((select isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0)

    FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 (nolock)

    WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @LodgementNumber

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = cps_no

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id NOT IN ('V', 'Z')


    FROM @logdefee

    UPDATE @logdefee

    SET FEE_EXEMPT = isnull((select isnull(SUM(LE1.lodgeenrol_module_hours), 0)

    FROM lodgement_enrolment AS LE1 (nolock)

    WHERE LE1.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @LodgementNumber

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = cps_no

    AND LE1.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'V'


    FROM @logdefee


    FROM @logdefee

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • As for why you are seeing the issues I am not sure. I have SP3 on 3 servers and not one has shown a change in working.

    However for situation "a" it may be your person needs to run sp_recompile against all views and Stored Procedures that use the view or SP they are altering. The reason i position changes are not reflected until a recompile takes place as the dependencies are recorded (for static sql) in a table and there ordinal position is marked. If the data changes it reflects incorrectly.

    Now my theory on your change execution plan may be relative to your subqueries in some way but without hands on testing I am not sure wat I am looking for.

    Finally based on your query I think this may work better for you without the subqueries. Unfortunately I have no way to test so I am working from the proper concepts. It may need a bit of tweaking.

    LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AS CPS_NO,
    ISNULL(CPS.cps_fee_exempt_ind, 0) AS IS_FEE_EXEMPT,
    QC.public_desc + ' ' + TP.registered_name AS COURSE_QUAL,
    SUM(CASE WHEN LE.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'Z' THEN LE.lodgeenrol_module_hours ELSE 0 END) AS FULL_COUNT,
    SUM(CASE WHEN LE.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id NOT IN ('V','Z') THEN LE.lodgeenrol_module_hours ELSE 0 END) AS CONCESSION_COUNT,
    SUM(CASE WHEN LE.lodgeenrol_match_studfeetype_id = 'V' THEN LE.lodgeenrol_module_hours ELSE 0 END) AS FEE_EXEMPT
    lodgement_enrolment LE (nolock)
    contracted_program_study CPS (nolock)
    Training_Product TP (nolock)
    Course C (nolock)
    Qualification_Category QC (nolock)
    C.qual_cat_code = QC.qual_cat_code
    TP.training_product_id = C.training_product_id
    CPS.cps_training_product_id = TP.training_product_id
    LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = CPS.cps_no
    lodgement L (nolock)
    LE.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = L.lodgement_no
    L.lodgement_org_id = @OrgID And
    L.LODGEMENT_NO = @LodgementNumber
    ISNULL(CPS.cps_fee_exempt_ind, 0),
    QC.public_desc + ' ' + TP.registered_name

    Just a note Order of Operation can be affected by placement of the Join statements, generally SQL is good with the decision itself as long as the joins alll relate to a single table object and not multiple.

    But I have found in situations where there is multiple relationships it is better to nest objects under their relations to ensure SQL will see this way and makes for better readability.

  • Thanks Antares686, your a champion! ill give the SQL a go, funny enough I was pondering the case inside of the join but didnt go through with it.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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