undeletable databases

  • I have a database that i was merge replicating to one server and log shipping to another server for reporting. This database was accidentally set up as loading.

    Now i can delete it because it says it is replicating, and i cant recover it to take it out of the loading. Any ideas on how to delete

  • You may be able to modify the STATUS value and fake the system into allowing a delete.

    Try this (as sa of course):

    sp_configure 'allow_updates',1

    reconfigure with override


    -- change the status of the db to normal status:

    UPDATE sysdatabases SET status = 0 WHERE name = <your database name>


    sp_configure 'allow_updates',0

    reconfigure with override

    Sorry that I can't guarantee this one...but since you are planning to delete the database anyway, it shouldn't be too dangerous.


  • that took it out of loading but now it cant be dropped because of replication and when you try to drop replication it says cant because it is loading

  • Others are more qualified to help here. Sorry for my lack of experience with the replication. You might take a look at both the syspublications and syssubscriptions tables. They both have a status column that might give you a clue.

    If this is the only replication, you might try just turning off the replication for the database. A little drastic, though. There are surely easier ways to fix this one.


  • right idea but needs category set to 0 and mode set to 0 that work



    You may be able to modify the STATUS value and fake the system into allowing a delete.

    Try this (as sa of course):

    sp_configure 'allow_updates',1

    reconfigure with override


    -- change the status of the db to normal status:

    UPDATE sysdatabases SET status = 0 WHERE name = <your database name>


    sp_configure 'allow_updates',0

    reconfigure with override

    Sorry that I can't guarantee this one...but since you are planning to delete the database anyway, it shouldn't be too dangerous.


  • Have you used Enterprise Manager and looked at the processes to see if you can identify the one that is locking your database? If you can find that one, you can 'KILL' it.

    Something else you can try (if you haven't already)...stop the SQL Server services (including the SQLSERVERAGENT service). Restart them and then try deleting the database.


  • actually i got it finally

    by changing the status, mode and category in the sysdatabases table


    Have you used Enterprise Manager and looked at the processes to see if you can identify the one that is locking your database? If you can find that one, you can 'KILL' it.

    Something else you can try (if you haven't already)...stop the SQL Server services (including the SQLSERVERAGENT service). Restart them and then try deleting the database.


  • try this:

    EXEC @retval = sp_replicationdboption '<database>', '<publication type>', 'false'

    where <database> is the name of the database you published objects from, and <publication type> is eg. 'merge publish' depending on what replicaton you used.

    best regards,


  • actually that didnt work because it said it was in the middle of a restore.


    try this:

    EXEC @retval = sp_replicationdboption '<database>', '<publication type>', 'false'

    where <database> is the name of the database you published objects from, and <publication type> is eg. 'merge publish' depending on what replicaton you used.

    best regards,


  • ok! what about:

    exec sp_dboption 'dbname', 'bulkcopy', false?

    best regards,


  • Can you detach the database? sp_detach_db

    or perhaps some of the sp_dropmergepublication or spdropmergesubscription or sp_droppublisher....

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