Urgent - Merge Repl and Terminated DBA

  • I have been engaged to assist with the termination of a DBA. This individual is the sysadmin for a network which consist of an NT 4.0 domain and SQL Server 2000. The SQL Svr deployment consist of a Merge Publisher/Distributor and 12 remote subscribers in 8 states. There are 6 Publications from one publisher each with a dozen or more articles. All SQL Servers use mixed mode security and the built in admin group is active. I need to be prepared to terminate this persons access within a fairly short timeframe. He is also the DBA/sysadmin for each subscriber. As is the case with most sysadmins, he can connect from home via VPN.

    The big issue here is that I need to eliminate his access and change the

    passwords on all accounts with system privileges...without having a huge

    impact on the merge replication that occures every 10 min. I can pause replication for an hour or so for each subscriber but not much more than that. Currently, all SQL Agents run under the local system account.

    If you have any advice or best practices to make sure I find all of the places where account information needs to be changed and the best way to go about it I could sure use your help.

    Kurt Allebach

  • You can change in the jobs of the merge agent the values for DistributorPassword, PublisherPassword and SubscriberPassword.

    Or you can create a new login and change the login info and also the new password.

    But I think the best thing to do would be to change the replication to windows authentication if you have all the subscribers in the same domain that the publisher, and also to change the login account of SQL to a domain account.

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