Cross-record corruption?

  • Was wondering if anyone has come across the following problem (bug?) . . .

    I'm using HTML and ASP to submit form data to a SQL Server 2000 database (build 8.00.194, Aug. 6 2000). Among other things, I'm storing data generated by CIC's iSign product, allowing me to create and store digital signatures.

    I started getting suspicious when some of my signatures looked identical. Lo and behold, some of my signatures (along with timestamps which also gets stored in a database column) got corrupted. Somehow, data records stored in some columns are getting populated into other records in the same column.

    From the way my HTML and ASP code is configured, there's no way to update data (it can only be inputted).

    I'm still tweaking the table, and have gone into Enterprise Manager using "Design Table" to make updates. I'm guessing (and this is pure speculation on my part) that my tweaking is corrupting my data. (This shouldn't happen -- after all, if a table change affects data, doesn't it give you a warning message saying data will be changed?)

    Has anyone else run into a similar problem? Does anyone know of a bug in SQL Server that sounds like this problem? I have a copy of SP2 that I haven't yet installed; should I go ahead and install it?

    Thanks in advance for your help . . .

  • Havent seen anything like this and would be surprised if changes via EM would cause it. Definitely install SP2, I dont think anyone has had any problems with it and it has a fair number of fixes.


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