Count From two tables

  • Here is the deal:

    I need to Count(*) From two different tables and have it end up in one column. There are many stored procs that return the column that is used in many calculations...But we have been counting out of one table only.

    Does that make sence?

  • Hi,

    Here is my response based on what I understood :

    There are tables Table1 and Table2 and you want to count the number of rows in Table1 and Table2 and store the result(I assume this is the sum)into a variable.....

    Select Sum(FinalCount) from


    (Select Count(*) FinalCount from Table1)


    (Select Count(*) FinalCount from Table2)

    )AS ResultTable

    I hope this results in what you want...

  • Yes...I did do something like that...

    With a Full Outer Join...

    Is that the same as a UNION?


  • Make sure you use UNION ALL instead of just UNION. On the off-hand chance the counts for both tables come back the same, only one row will be returned. UNION without the ALL tosses out duplicates.

    This shows the difference:

    SELECT 3
    SELECT 3


    SELECT 3
    SELECT 3

    K. Brian Kelley

    Edited by - bkelley on 08/06/2002 6:01:38 PM

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks a lot for the info on UNION and UNION ALL...

    I was using only UNION in a couple of places and I am now using UNION ALL...before the SPs went to the "unidentifiable error occuring" stage... 🙂

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