
  • i need to put apostrophe into my records in ms sql server but it turn out tat it will cause some error such as... <the page cannot be displayed> http 500 internal error... is there any other way to replace apostrophe ???

    thank you!

  • Hi you could use the function replace to replace a ' (quote) by 2 quotes ''

    strOut= replace(strIn,"'","''")

  • hi thank alot,

    can u explain why it don't allow ' single quote?

  • Hi,

    a single quote is seen in sql server for separating text strings . For example

    the following statement is valid

    insert into tblX (A,B)

    values ('one','two')

    but if you have a quote in the string like this:

    insert into tblX (A,B)

    values ('o'reily','two')

    then you got an error because sql thinks their are 3 strings to insert in 2 columns.

    best regards,


  • hi,

    i still haf some doubts..

    as i have 3 textfields to differeniate as country code, area code and number but when i put the replace code into all the three textfields in the program then when i was running the code, i try to put the apostrophe in the number textfield but it caused my db to corrupt

    but it work well with just one textfield example like address.

    can you giv me some advice!!!

    thank you.... =)

  • Hi,

    In a number (or decimal or float) field you could not fill in a quote.

    In your code yould where you build your sql string you could something like this:

    strsql="insert into tblX (A,B,C,D)" & _

    "values ('" & replace(strA,"'","''") & "'," & _

    "'" & replace(strB,"'","''") & "'," & _

    dblC & "," & _

    "'" & replace(strD,"'","''") & "'"

  • That's exactly right. You only do it on strings, numbers (true numbers that is!) don't have single quotes in them anyway. If you use an ADO recordset to do the updates or an ADO command object to execute a stored proc it handles the issue for you. If you just use a connection to execute a proc/sql then you have to handle any embedded quotes. The single quote is an escape character, requires special handling just as the % sign in a like statement does if you're actually trying to find a percent sign.



  • Wow, had the same problem and replace worked perfectly. Thanks.

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