Very new learner

  • I am trying to build my first db and front end (using Access 97). And have a few problems.

    1) I cannot manage the error trapping. I get horrible SQL Server errors about keys but cannot do anything to tarp them.

    2) I have had to use linked tables which update dynamically rather than views and stored procedures (which I would rather use)

    3) I would like to apply rules but cannot get them working either.

    If anyone could share a little or a lot of light I would be most grateful.





  • In every module you need to include an error handler. At the top put this:

    on error goto Handler

    and then near the bottom put this:

    exit sub


    msgbox err.description

    resume next

    That's a bare bones error handler. You can obviously do more with it to handle specific errors - the easiest way it set up a test like this:


    select case err.number

    case 1

    'do this

    case 2

    'do that

    case else

    end select

    resume next

    Linked tables are ok. If you want to use stored procs and views you can by adding a reference to the IDE to Microsoft ADO 2.6. Access wont help you, you have to open your own connections and do it all, no automatic binding either.

    Maybe that will help some. Continue to post questions if you have problems. You might also want to look for an Access centric site too.


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