Dynamic Path Problems

  • hi folks,

    i got to import excelsheets into a ms-sql server db, without using bulkinsert.

    the problem that bothers me is, that i need to use dynamic paths, or for now dynamic filenames.

    tried simply to use variables in the following manner:

    SELECT * INTO table1 FROM OpenRowSet

    ('MSDASQL', 'Driver= Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls); DBQ=c:\data\'+@filename+'', 'SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]')

    is it possible to use variables to define dynamic paths like this, and if yes what would be the correct code?

    thx and fg, andi

  • This is an example of an old file rename that I have that shows you how to build the string and execute it.

    /*Rename File.*/


    @monthname varchar(32),

    @sqlstring varchar(250)

    set @monthname = (select datename(month, getdate()))

    -- Rename current file to backup file

    select @sqlstring = ('exec master..xp_cmdshell ''rename \\ServerName\Path\FileName.XLS FileName_'+@monthname+'''')

    exec dbo.sp_executesql

    @stmt = @sqlstring





    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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