temp table problems

  • I have a stored procedure that is giving me an 'invalid object name #tablename' error.

    One of the first things this stored procedure does is create this temp table and loads it with data. Later on, it opens and closes a cursor that updates this temp table. Right after the close of the cursor, I am getting this error? Is this a nesting level problem? Why am I getting this error?

  • Can you post your Script it's kind of hard to tell without seeing it.

    At least for this type of error.


    I have a stored procedure that is giving me an 'invalid object name #tablename' error.

    One of the first things this stored procedure does is create this temp table and loads it with data. Later on, it opens and closes a cursor that updates this temp table. Right after the close of the cursor, I am getting this error? Is this a nesting level problem? Why am I getting this error?

  • Here it is. The name of the temp table is #SaAging.

  • Can you post complete CREATE PROC Scipt

    nor just the table name.


    Here it is. The name of the temp table is #SaAging.

  • Sorry...

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_saAccountAging

    @AsOfDate datetime,

    @CampusID int,

    @TermID int = 0,

    @StatusIDs varchar(1000),

    @ProgramIDs varchar(1000)


    Set NoCount On

    -- Get the options for the where clause

    Declare @WhereClause varchar(1000)

    Declare @SQL varchar(2000)

    --Select @WhereClause = rtrim(WhereClause)

    -- From SyReportOptions Where SyReportOptionsID = @OptionsID

    -- Create a temporary table for the aging

    --Create Table #SaAging

    --(SyStudentID int,

    -- SyCampusID int,

    -- ARBalance money,

    -- BalCurrent money,

    -- BalOver30 money,

    -- BalOver60 money,

    -- BalOver90 money,

    -- BalOver120 money)

    -- Set parameters

    if @StatusIDs = 'ALL'

    Select @StatusIDs = ''

    if @ProgramIDs = 'ALL'

    Select @ProgramIDs = ''

    -- define the query to update the table

    Select @SQL = '

    Select SyStudent.SyStudentID as SyStudentID,

    ' + rtrim(convert(char(12),@CampusID)) + ' as SyCampusID,

    convert(money,0) as ARBalance,

    convert(money,0) as BalCurrent,

    convert(money,0) as BalOVer30,

    convert(money,0) as BalOVer60,

    convert(money,0) as BalOVer90,

    convert(money,0) as BalOVer120

    into #SaAging

    From SyStudent (nolock)

    Where Exists (Select * from SaTrans (nolock)

    where satrans.systudentid = systudent.systudentid

    and satrans.sycampusid = ' + convert(char(10),@CampusID)

    If @TermID > 0


    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' AND SaTrans.AdTermID = ' + convert(char(10),@TermID)


    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' ) '

    If rtrim(@ProgramIDs) > ''


    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' AND SyStudent.AdProgramID in (' + @ProgramIDs + ') '


    If rtrim(@StatusIDs) > ''

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' AND SyStudent.SySchoolStatusID in (' + @StatusIDs + ') '

    -- Execute the query to build the work table


    -- Do the Aging

    Declare C Cursor READ_ONLY For

    Select SaTrans.SyStudentID,


    Case SaTrans.Type

    When 'P' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1

    When 'C' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1

    Else SaTrans.Amount END As Amount,

    Case SaTrans.Type

    When 'P' Then 3000

    When 'C' Then 3000

    Else DateDiff(dd, SaTrans.Date, @AsOFDate) END As ItemAge

    From SaTrans (NoLock)

    Where Convert(DateTime, Convert(char(10), SaTrans.[Date],101)) <= @AsOfDate

    And (SaTrans.AdTermID = @TermID OR @TermID = 0)

    And SaTrans.SyCampusID = @CampusID

    Declare @StudentID int,

    @Campus int,

    @Amount money,

    @ItemAge float

    Open C

    Fetch Next From C

    Into @StudentID, @Campus, @Amount, @ItemAge

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    Update #SaAging

    Set ARBalance = ARBalance + @Amount,

    BalCurrent = BalCurrent + Case When @ItemAge >= 0 And @ItemAge < 31 Then @Amount else 0 End,

    BalOver30 = BalOver30 + Case When @ItemAge > 30 And @ItemAge < 61 Then @Amount else 0 End,

    BalOver60 = BalOver60 + Case When @ItemAge > 60 And @ItemAge < 91 Then @Amount else 0 End,

    BalOver90 = BalOver90 + Case When @ItemAge > 90 And @ItemAge < 121 Then @Amount else 0 End,

    BalOver120 = BalOver120 + Case When @ItemAge > 120 Then @Amount else 0 End

    Where SyStudentID = @StudentID

    AND SyCampusID = @Campus

    Fetch Next From C

    Into @StudentID, @Campus, @Amount, @ItemAge


    Close C

    Deallocate C

    -- Update Aging Work table to move credit balance to current

    Update #SaAging

    Set BalOver90 = BalOver90 + BalOver120,

    BalOVer120 = 0

    Where BalOver120 < 0

    Update #SaAging

    Set BalOver60 = BalOver60 + BalOver90,

    BalOVer90 = 0

    Where BalOver90 < 0

    Update #SaAging

    Set BalOver30 = BalOver30 + BalOver60,

    BalOver60 = 0

    Where BalOver60 < 0

    Update #SaAging

    Set BalCurrent = BalCurrent + BalOver30,

    BalOVer30 = 0

    Where BalOver30 < 0

    -- Return the Aging recordset

    Select @SQL = 'Select #SaAging.* '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', rtrim(SyStudent.LastName) + '', '' + rtrim(SyStudent.FirstName) As StudentName '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', SyStudent.SSN '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', SyStudent.StuNum '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', SyCampus.Descrip As CampusDescrip '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', AdProgram.Descrip As ProgramDescrip '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ', SySchoolStatus.Descrip As StatusDescrip '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' From #SaAging '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Join SyStudent (nolock) ON SyStudent.SyStudentID = #SaAging.SyStudentID '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Left Join SyCampus (nolock) ON SyCampus.SyCampusID = #SaAging.SyCampusID '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Left Join AdProgram (nolock) ON AdProgram.AdProgramID = SyStudent.AdProgramID '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Left Join SySchoolStatus (nolock) ON SySchoolStatus.SySchoolStatusID = SyStudent.SySchoolStatusID '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Where #SaAging.ARBalance != 0 '

    Select @SQL = @SQL + ' Order By SyStudent.Lastname, SyStudent.FirstName '


    Drop Table #SaAging



  • You have to use a static table not a temp table if you want to use EXECUTE()

    Execute func does not see temporary table neither local or global.

    And I do not understand why you are executing it as a string, I did not see any variables that you are putting in to build the select statement. it looks static to me.

    Instead of using Execute just run the select by itself.

  • the funny thing is that it was working when using a global temp table, but it would only work for 1 concurrent user. But when I changed it to a local, this error happened.

  • I tried it with a static table and got the same error.

  • I got it to work! I tried it with a static CREATE TABLE statement for the temp table. It looks like the dynamic SQL has a problem generating temp tables and keeping them in the session when you use cursors to update them.


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