Calculation on calculated field

  • I need to calculate results off of calcualted fields.

    something like this

    SELECT tSchedule.SDG, DateDiff("hh",SampleDate,GETDATE()) AS timein,(ExHT*24) AS ExHrs, (ExHT-timein) AS HT

    FROM tSchedule

    Works in Access but not in SQL

    Ideally I would also want to add a contition on the HT alias

    WHERE HT<24

    but that's probably too much 🙂

    Any ideas alre welcome.



  • Hello,

    You could try this...

    select sgd,

    datediff(hour,sampledate,getdate()) as 'TimeIn',

    (exht * 24) as 'ExHrs',

    (exht - (datediff(hour,sampledate,getdate()))) AS 'HT'

    from dbo.tSchedule

    I'm not sure of the data types you are using but the above works for me.



  • And then for the where clause you could use this...

    where (exht - (datediff(hour,sampledate,getdate()))) < 24

    It works over here.



  • The basic problem here is that timein is not understood at this level. By replacing timein with the same calulation code it will work. Or you can change you query to a subquery and hanlde the last cal outside like so.

    SELECT SDG, timein, ExHrs, (ExHT-timein) AS HT



    SELECT tSchedule.SDG, DateDiff("hh",SampleDate,GETDATE()) AS timein,(ExHT*24) AS ExHrs, ExHT

    FROM tSchedule

    ) AS subq1

    Then you can easily add a where clause. The only problem is this method may produce the result set slower than if you write all the needed calcs in a non-subquery.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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