Extracting most recent entry

  • Hi,

    I have a table StatusLog (LogID, Status, StatusDate) which store history of statuses for each LogID. For example, LogID = 1 will have 2 statuses "Requested" and "Send" (2 records), LogID = 2 can have 3, "Requested", "Send" and "Shipped" (3 records). Ofcourse StatusDate stores corresponded date. I need to find the way to extract current (most recent Status) for each Log. Using MAX(StatusDate) does not produce result if you have Status column in resulting query. Any idea? Thanks

  • Can you post what you tried alogn with some more sample data. Not entirely sure what you mean. Also include the table DDL.

    Steve Jones


  • Also, how about adding an auto-number identity field for each new insert, and pull your data by the criteria as normal, then max(ID), giving you the latest record? Or are there updates-only involved? Maybe a second date/time field with a timestamp for each update, giving you original date/time AND updated date/time that you can do the Max function on?

  • Ok guys does this not sound simply like this.

    SELECT StatusLog.LogID, StatusLog.Status, StatusLog.StatusDate FROM StatusLog


    (SELECT LogID, Max(StatusDate) as MaxStatusDate FROM StatusLog GROUP BY LogID) AS MaxTbl


    StatusLog.LogID = MaxTbl.LogID AND

    StatusLog.StatusDate = MaxTbl.MaxStatusDate

    You are just trying to find the Status for each log on the latest date. This should do it.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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