How do you remove jobs

  • Hi

    I am only a beginner at DMO.

    I have tried to remove a backup job using the code below without success. Can anyone see what I have done wrong or suggest an alternative method.

    Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim j As Integer

    Dim iCount As Integer

    Dim oSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer

    Dim oJobserver As SQLDMO.JobServer

    Dim oJob As SQLDMO.Job

    Dim sSysJob() As String

    Dim sSysJobSch() As String

    Dim sDelName As String

    sDelName = lstJob.Text

    Set oSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

    With oSQLServer

    .LoginSecure = True

    .Connect nldbServer$

    End With

    'delete backup job highlighted in list box

    oJobserver.Jobs.Remove (sDelName)



    'refresh backup jobs list

    Set oJobserver = oSQLServer.JobServer

    Set oJob = New SQLDMO.Job

    If oJobserver.Jobs.count = 0 Then

    ReDim sSysJob(0 To 0)

    sSysJob(0) = ""

    sListBJob = sSysJob

    ReDim sSysJobSch(0 To 0)

    sSysJobSch(0) = ""

    sListBJobSch = sSysJobSch


    ReDim sSysJob(0 To Jobserver.Jobs.count - 1)

    ReDim sSysJobSch(0 To oJobserver.Jobs.count - 1)

    For i = 1 To oJobserver.Jobs.count

    sSysJob(iCount) = oJobserver.Jobs(i).Name

    sSysJobSch(iCount) = oJobserver.Jobs(i).Description

    iCount = iCount + 1


    sListBJob = sSysJob

    sListBJobSch = sSysJobSch

    End If

    Set oJob = Nothing

    Set oJobserver = Nothing

    Set oSQLServer = Nothing

    For j = 0 To UBound(sListBJob)

    lstJob.AddItem sListBJob(j)

    lstJobSch.AddItem sListBJobSch(j)


    End Sub

    Many Thanks in anticipation


  • You dont want to actually delete the job, just remove it from the listbox? You dont need to put the stuff into an array before adding it either, should be able to add it directly.


  • Hi Andy

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    Yes I would like to delete the job instead of removing it from the listbox. So when then datbase adiministrator looks at things using EM then they will see all the jobs that are being used.



    You dont want to actually delete the job, just remove it from the listbox? You dont need to put the stuff into an array before adding it either, should be able to add it directly.


  • Might be a documentation error. According to the class browser the parameter of the remove method must be a long.

    As an alternative replace your line

    oJobserver.Jobs.Remove (sDelName)


    Set oJobserver = oSQLServer.JobServer


  • thanks Leon

    Those new lines worked.



    Might be a documentation error. According to the class browser the parameter of the remove method must be a long.

    As an alternative replace your line

    oJobserver.Jobs.Remove (sDelName)


    Set oJobserver = oSQLServer.JobServer


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