Eval equation, which is a string in a table

  • I have a column "equation" in table "control". Equation is a string like "1+2". I can evaluate all kind of functions with

    exec("select equation from control where idnr=" + idnr)

    But how to store results to t-sql variable or to table ? Select into didn't work, neither select myvar=exec("blaah...").

    I'm not interested in only to read results from the screen. Stored procedure must know these results also.



  • Try something like this:

    CREATE TABLE #temp(equation varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #temp(equation)

    exec("select equation from control where idnr=" + idnr)

    Or use a permanent table to insert into.

    Robert Marda

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • Why do dynamic at all for this. Unless your example is no fully showing all I need to know you should be able to do

    DECLARE @equation VARCHAR(20)

    DELCARE @idnr whatever

    SET @idnr = whatever

    SELECT @equation = equation FROM control WHERE idnr= @idnr

    Or something similar to suit your needs.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Why do we use dynamic equations at all? I don't know. Maybe because nobody has rights to change The Stored Procedure.

    My example was wrong. Of course it should be

    something like:

    exec("select " + @equation + "from control where idnr=" + @idnr).

    Thanks rmarda. Permanent tables work, I knew it but forgot that. I didn't know that temp -tables work also, if they are already created. I didn't try, because select into did not work.

    If I have temp in RAM, that's fast enough. Permanent tables are too slow, even if checkpoint-value is small. System must decide in 50 ms, if tested product is OK or not. Stored Procedure is about 1000 rows long (many checks and so on).

  • Good question. I have begun to wonder this myself. When I started at bigdough.com almost all stored procedures used dynamic SQL. Gradually, I have been converting them to static SQL. I find that they almost always run faster static and have recently learned how permissions are better controlled when dynamic SQL is avoided.

    Now it is an enjoyable challenge for me to see how many ways I can develop a query and avoid dynamic SQL.

    Robert Marda

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

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