Programming Languages used with SQL Server

  • Since SQL Server is a Microsoft product I've noticed that most mmebers seen to use MS related languages, VB, Visual C++, etc.

    I personally use Borland's Delphi which I would works extremely well with SQL Server.

    Are there any other Delphi programmers on this forum, or is everybody basically pure MS.

  • I have dabled here and there with delphi and own version 1 and 2, but I am (not necessarily pure MS) VB, C, C++, VBScript, JavaScript, JAVA (Not too much), HTML, SQL (Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Access, Paradox, SQL Server) kind a guy (a few others but these are the most experience). And I keep trying to expand.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I use VB primarily, some Access, HTML. Probably will move to .Net shortly.


  • YUP I use DELPHI 5 accessing SQLSWERVER through ADO (direct ADO TLB not ADO Express)

    Works uncommonly well! But I have to admit to being an MS person as well my principal languages are DELPHI, VB, JAVA and I'm a C# initiate.

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

  • Primarily MS here, (VB or ASP with ADO). Cold Fusion which uses ODBC or OLEDB to connect.

    Steve Jones

  • Delphi 6 to SQL 2000 through ADO here. Works extremely well.

  • VB and VBScript (ASP) with ADO, occasionally Access, MS FoxPro, and some C/C++ (mostly just for processing raw data files prior to BCP.)

    Playing with VB.NET and C#.

    Not pure MS, since two of our servers are Oracle (Using VB, Cognos, PL/SQL with those).

    Played with Borland's C++++ Builder (and enjoyed it) but never any on the job demand for anything other than MS products.



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