how to convert seconds to HH:MM:SS format?

  • how to convert seconds to HH:MM:SS format?

  • Let me know if this fits your bill:

    declare @secs tinyint,

    @mins tinyint,

    @hrs smallint,

    @seconds int;

    set @seconds = 1234567;

    set @secs = @seconds % 60;

    set @mins = (@seconds / 60) % 60;

    set @hrs = (@seconds / 60) / 60;






    cast(@hrs as varchar(8)) + ':' + right('0' + cast(@mins as varchar(2)), 2) + ':' + right('0' + cast(@secs as varchar(2)), 2);

  • it's kind of easy...

    in your case, you only care about the time portion of any date....not the date itself.

    so you ADD the number of seconds to an arbitrary date,

    then one of the CONVERT functions paramneters allowed you to get just the TIME portion of a specified date:

    SELECT DATEADD(month, 147859, '2006-08-31') --adding a bunch of seconds to any ol date

    Results:2006-09-01 17:04:19.000

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEADD(second, 147859, '2006-08-31') ,114) --selecting that same date, and formatting it to HH::MM:SS:nnnn



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  • CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), DATEADD(ss, 12345, 0) ,114) will cut off milliseconds.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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