Hospitality Book

  • Hi Troops

    I have an on-line Hospitality Book which is audited 6 monthly ie audit column set to 1 (default = 0)

    I am attempting to select only records with dates on/after most recent audit (pertinent columns; ID, DateEntered, audit)

    Any suggestions?


    Glen Parker 🙂

  • Glen Parker (1/9/2009)

    Hi Troops

    I have an on-line Hospitality Book which is audited 6 monthly ie audit column set to 1 (default = 0)

    I am attempting to select only records with dates on/after most recent audit (pertinent columns; ID, DateEntered, audit)

    Any suggestions?







    dbo.HospitalityBook hp


    hp.DateEntered > (




    dbo.HospitalityBook hp1


    hp1.audit = 1)

    Give that a try. No promises as I have nothing to test this against.

    For better answers to your questions, please read the first article linked below in my signature block.

  • Morning Lynn

    Thank you for the script, worked first time:)

    I like the simplicity and effectiveness of the 'nested loop' and wonder how I never realised the solution for myself. I do recall covering the subject during my SQL course at Learning Tree but couldn't find it in me somehow.

    Greatly appreciated your help on this one!

    Thanks again:)


    Glen Parker 🙂

  • I'm glad it worked for you, and thank you for the feedback.

    I can probably tell you why you didn't think of it yourself, and it is something we all run into, and I call the Forest and the Trees syndrome. You are too close to the problem to see the solution. Sort of like being to close to the trees to see the forest. Happens to me more times than I want to admit. That's why co-workers can be quite helpful and, barring that, sites like SSC.

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