Creating a Dashboard

  • Hi,

       Somebody has hit upon the idea of displaying some Database stats on our Intranet, in the form of a Dashboard. Counters such as Curent Logins, Bytes read. Bytes written. logins so far today etc. This data being stored in order to present graphs of performance/activity over periods of 7 days, 1 month and 3 months.

       This is not as easy as it first appears. has anybody achieved this or have suggestions of a route to follow? Are there any system tables or stored procedures that I could use to fill a table with data?

      Expect that the answer will be to buy a professional product, but the creation of a dashboard would be great for getting a better understanding of SQL internals.

      Thanks for any comments.


  • While a few of the things you will want are available in SQL Server itself (e.g. active connections, database sizes), most of what you will want are provided by SQL Server to the Performance Monitoring services.  You will access these items using WMI class (either in script or .Net objects, depending on how you write apps for your intranet). 

     You can get a feel for what items are available by running Performance Monitor on a server with SQL Server on it, and selecting from the various the SQLServer counters (several hundred different counters are listed there).

    Hope this helps.  Good luck. 


  • Mark,

      Thank you for your response. I will explore this and see what can be achieved.


  • You might also use the sysperfinfo table. It's sometimes not that easy to read, but easily accessible through TSQL. See also here:


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • If you decide to go with a commercial product rather than something home grown, you might check out the SQLdm (Diagnostic Manager) product from Idera.


    I am currently using it to monitor and record stats for several SQL servers in our enterprise and I have been pleased with the results.  It has a SQL repository database that can be used for custom reporting.  It runs as a service on a server/workstation (in my case a VM) and periodically polls the configured SQL instances for statistics.

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