DTS Error while executing

  • I am getting the following error when i am executing DTS

    cannot create com server to load and execute DTS package.

    Error -2147221008 (800401F0):

    CoInitialize has not been called.


    When i run DTS manually through Enterprise Manager . It is working fine.

    Can anybody help me?


  • I'm trying to go from memory here, and I don't have any information on your specific error message BUT, generally speaking IF you can run the DTS manually and it works but fails when run as part as a scheduled job, then you've got at least TWO issues to check out:

    1) Permissions.  Jobs that are run on a schedule get executed under the permissions of whatever account that SQL Server Agent runs under.  If you are trying to export a table to an excel sheet or text file on some NETWORK file share, then you should check with your Network Admin guys/gals to make sure that you are using a Domain Account (as opposed to a local account) for Sql Server Agent to run under AND that Domain Account has read/write permissions to the target folder.

    2) Mapped Drives.  As I recall, DTS Packages that contain a reference to a mapped drive, i.e., H:\CustFiles, will run when executed manually, but will fail when called from a Job.  The solution is to replace all Mapped Drive references (source files or target files) from H:\CustFiles to \\CoolServerName\CustFiles.  Your Network people may want to make the CustFiles folder a share so that you can just reference it as above, otherwise you will have to fully qualify the entire path if it's buried deeper than shown.

    Ideas, comments or snide remarks?

    - Mark

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