Copying an Excel worksheet (ActiveX Script)

  • I am trying to create a copy of a worksheet programtically in an ActiveX Script in DTS (I need between 2 and 'n' pages for a report, where 'n' is determined sometime when I can't sit there and create 'n' worksheet copies manually). These pages are formatted a LOT, so it must be a copy.

    I found the Worksheet.Copy() method documentation (and I use that word loosely), but I cannot get it to work.

    When using the syntax directly from the MSDN page

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")

    I get an error "Expected statement". Then, I removed the colon because I'm pretty sure VB doesn't sure that operator

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After=Worksheets("Sheet3")

    and I get a different error "Object doesn't support this property or method"

    I must be missing something really simple here, because if it was difficult I would think I'd find more about this problem on the intarweb.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    -- Stephen Cook

  • This will do it for you:


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    ' Initialise dimensions

    Dim appExcel

    Dim newBook

    'Set excel objects

    Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    Set newBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add

    ' Do the work

    newBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Move ,newBook.Sheets("Sheet3")

    With newBook

    .SaveAs "c:\test.xls"


    End With

    ' Clean up


    set appExcel = nothing

    ' Register success

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • It looks like the difference between Sheets and Worksheets (whatever that might be) got me.

    Thank you very much, you just saved me a lot of hassle!

    -- Stephen Cook

  • Hi. Why use AxtiveX Script for this task. VB or VBA is easier.

    This will also work added to what Stephen wrote:


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Set appexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    appexcel.DisplayAlerts = False

    set newobject = "C:\Book1.xls") 'Contains the template sheet1

    for N = 3 to 1 step -1  'Replace 3 with actual number of sheets

    newobject.Sheets("Sheet1").Copy ,newobject.Sheets("Sheet1")  

    'Copies the template to a new sheet after sheet1 (index 2)

    newobject.Sheets(2).name = N  'Renames

    'Put some data in the sheet


    newobject.Sheets("Sheet1").delete 'Removes the template sheet

    With newobject

    .SaveAs "c:\test.xls"  'Replace without a warning

    End With


    set  appexcel = nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

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