RefreshDatabaseWindow Question

  • I have created a form that allows people to select fields from a view, creates a temporty table containing all of the records from that view with only the fields they select, and then exports all of the data from that table into an Excel spreadsheet.

    It works fine about 20% of the time, but most of the time it gives an error saying: "can't find the object tblTempExport"

    Does anybody see anything I should do differently in this code?

    I would greatly apprciate any help anyone could offer.


    Private Sub exportExcelButton_Click()

    ' set up a connection

    Dim conn As New adoDb.Connection

    Dim rst As adoDb.Recordset

    conn.Open CurrentProject.Connection

    ' Drop the table if it exists

    Dim dropSQL As String


    dropSQL = dropSQL & ") DROP TABLE tblTempExport"

    conn.Execute (dropSQL)

    ' create a new table with the appropriate fields.

    Dim createTableSQL As String

    Dim selectSQL As String

    Dim insertSQL As String

    createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblTempExport ( "

    insertSQL = "INSERT INTO tblTempExport ( "

    selectSQL = "SELECT "

    Dim tempString As String

    For Index = 0 To Me.ExportList.ListCount - 1

        If Index > 0 Then

            createTableSQL = createTableSQL & ", "

            selectSQL = selectSQL & ", "

            insertSQL = insertSQL & ", "

        End If


        createTableSQL = createTableSQL & Me.ExportList.ItemData(Index) & " varchar(" & 255 & ")"

        selectSQL = selectSQL & "RTRIM(" & Me.ExportList.ItemData(Index) & ")"

        insertSQL = insertSQL & Me.ExportList.ItemData(Index)

    Next Index

    createTableSQL = createTableSQL & ")"

    selectSQL = selectSQL & " FROM dbo.ChaplainAll()"

    conn.Execute (createTableSQL)

    'Finally insert the needed records into the table

     If Not (IsNull(Me.OpenArgs)) Then

      selectSQL = selectSQL & Me.OpenArgs

     End If


    insertSQL = insertSQL & ") "

    insertSQL = insertSQL & selectSQL

    conn.Execute (insertSQL)

    Dim filename As String

    filename = "c:\" & Me.filename & ".xls"

    'We need to delete the file before we export to it if it already exists.

        Dim fileTest As String

        fileTest = Dir(filename)

        If fileTest <> "" Then

            ' the file exists, delete it

            Kill filename

        End If

    'Refresh the database window so that the application can see the newly created table.




     DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblTempExport", filename, False

    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMessage", acNormal, , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormal, "The data has been exported to" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "C:\" & Me.filename & ".xls."


    End Sub


    The Redneck DBA

  • Why not just eliminate the temporary table, and export from a query?

    Private Sub exportExcelButton_Click()
    Dim selectSQL As String
    selectSQL = "SELECT "
    Dim tempString As String
    For Index = 0 To Me.ExportList.ListCount - 1
        If Index > 0 Then selectSQL = selectSQL & ", "
        selectSQL = selectSQL & "RTRIM(" & Me.ExportList.ItemData(Index) & ")"
    Next Index
    selectSQL = selectSQL & " FROM dbo.ChaplainAll()"
    Dim filename As String
    filename = "c:\" & Me.filename & ".xls"
    'We need to delete the file before we export to it if it already exists.
        Dim fileTest As String
        fileTest = Dir(filename)
        If fileTest <> "" Then
            ' the file exists, delete it
            Kill filename
        End If
     DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, selectSQL, filename
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMessage", acNormal, , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormal, "The data has been exported to" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "C:\" & Me.filename & ".xls."
    End Sub



  • Thanks Mark,

    That makes sense to me also, but when I tried that before I got an error that said "The table name you entered doesn't follow Chaplaincy object-naming rules". 

    I also tried creating a storedProcedure that just selected everything from the temp table and using that instead of selectSQL or tblTempExport but it still misbehaves.  I've also played arround with sticking dbo and various other stuff in front of the table/stored procedure names to try to help it find them, but it doesn't seem to matter.

    I probably should have mentioned that this is an .adp not an .mdb.  That may make a difference, I don't know.

    The Redneck DBA

  • I'm not sure what the difference is, but I switched the line:

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, SpreadsheetTypeExcel9,  "dbo.tblTempExport", filename


    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputTable, "dbo.tblTempExport", acFormatXLS, filename, False

    and it works now. 


    Don't know why, but it works so I'm going to leave it alone.

    The Redneck DBA

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