Export to textfile changes data

  • All,

    We are in the process of a major data migration to a new design of our database and website.  There are several tables that will exist in the new database (and currently in the development version of the new database) that have no corresponding table or data in the existing production database.  During the migration, the development database will not be available to the migration process.  Using DTS I have exported the data in these tables to csv files.  However, Microsoft, in its ominpotent wisdom, changes the 1s and 0s in the bit fields to TRUE and FALSE in the csv file.  When doing the Bulk Insert to get the data back into the new database, there is a datatype mismatch.  There are 57 tables for which I need to do this process although not all of them use bit fields.  Is there an easy way of either preventing Microsoft from changing the data or changing it back without either doing it by hand or using an external grep process?

    Thank you in advance for your help.



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  • Robert,

    Try wrapping each Bit field with CINT - sString = CINT(Output field)

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