Decyphering waitresource

  • I have a spid that shows a wait resource in the form n:n:nnnnnnn . The first number is dbid and the second (I believe) is fileid, and I think the third might be page number? This is different than the waitresource type TAB: n:nnnnnn which seems better documented. What would be great is a script that converts this waitresource 'address' to the object name.


  • Yes, you are correct the third one is the page number.

    Say you have a wait on resource 5:1:9337310

    In my case DB 5 is Items and File 1 is Items_Data.

    Run the following to get the object info:

    dbcc traceon (3604)


    dbcc page (5, 1, 9337310)

    The output shows the objectId : m_objId = 978102525

    Then object_name (id) gives you the object.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    PAGE: (1:9337310)




    BUF @0x19A3E680


    bpage = 0x7B764000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:9337310)

    bdbid = 5 breferences = 1 bstat = 0x9

    bspin = 0 bnext = 0x00000000



    Page @0x7B764000


    m_pageId = (1:9337310) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 1

    m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x8000

    m_objId = 978102525 m_indexId = 0 m_prevPage = (1:9337311)

    m_nextPage = (1:9337309) pminlen = 68 m_slotCnt = 109

    m_freeCnt = 30 m_freeData = 7944 m_reservedCnt = 0

    m_lsn = (9238:816300:27) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:0)

    m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 37750929

    Allocation Status


    GAM (1:9202176) = ALLOCATED

    SGAM (1:9202177) = NOT ALLOCATED

    PFS (1:9333552) = 0x40 ALLOCATED 0_PCT_FULL DIFF (1:9202182) = CHANGED

    ML (1:9202183) = NOT MIN_LOGGED

  • Thanks much! I had to try automating this, and I think this is it. (Sorry, I don't know how to keep the code indented in this window to make it more readable).

    /* The following query automates the process of translating the page in a waitresource in sysprocesses

    (of the form dbid:fileid:page) into the object name containing that page.



    declare @dbid int,

    @fileid int,




    --set your spid of interest here:

    set @spid = 74


    @dbid = substring(waitresource, 1, charindex (':', waitresource) - 1),

    @fileid = substring(waitresource,

    charindex( ':', waitresource) + 1,

    charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1) - charindex(':',waitresource) - 1


    @pageid = substring(waitresource,

    charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1,

    len(waitresource) - (charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1)


    from master..sysprocesses

    where spid = @spid

    and waitresource like '%:%:%'

    set @sql = 'dbcc page (' + convert(varchar,@dbid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@fileid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@pageid) + ') with no_infomsgs, tableresults'

    if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name like '#pageinfo%')

    drop table #pageinfo

    create table #pageinfo (

    ParentObject varchar(128),

    Object varchar(128),

    Field varchar(128),

    Value varchar(128) )

    dbcc traceon (3604) with no_infomsgs

    insert into #pageinfo (ParentObject, Object, Field, Value)

    exec (@sql)

    select object_name(Value) as 'waitresource object name'

    from #pageinfo

    where Field = 'm_objId'

    dbcc traceoff (3604) with no_infomsgs

  • -- the formatting seems to be working for me, and this is so useful!

    /* The following query automates the process of translating the page in a waitresource in sysprocesses (of the form dbid:fileid:page) into the object name containing that page. */

    SET NOCOUNT ON declare @dbid int, @fileid int, @pageid int, @spid int, @sql varchar(128)

    --set your spid of interest here:

    set @spid = 75

    select @dbid = substring(waitresource, 1, charindex (':', waitresource) - 1),

       @fileid = substring(waitresource, charindex( ':', waitresource) + 1,

          charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1) -

          charindex(':',waitresource) - 1 ),

       @pageid = substring(waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource,

          charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1,

          len(waitresource) - (charindex(':', waitresource,

          charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1) )

    from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid and waitresource like '%:%:%'

    set @sql = 'dbcc page (' + convert(varchar,@dbid) + ',' +

       convert(varchar,@fileid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@pageid) + ') with

       no_infomsgs, tableresults'

    if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name like


       drop table #pageinfo

    create table #pageinfo ( ParentObject varchar(128), Object varchar(128),

       Field varchar(128), Value varchar(128) )

    dbcc traceon (3604) with no_infomsgs

       insert into #pageinfo (ParentObject, Object, Field, Value)

    exec (@sql) select object_name(Value) as 'waitresource object name' from

       #pageinfo where Field = 'm_objId' dbcc traceoff (3604) with no_infomsgs

  • Just to add, this is what shows in SQL 2005

    DBCC traceon (3604) WITH no_infomsgs

    dbcc page (9,1,6340633) with no_infomsgs, tableresults

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(167671645) -- need to run this in the target database

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bpage0x00000004E9B06000

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bhash0x0000000000000000

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bpageno(1:6340633)

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bdbid9

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180breferences0

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bUse130199

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bstat0x5c00009

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180blog0x979a2159

    BUFFER:BUF @0x00000004E9FEC180bnext0x0000000000000000

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_pageId(1:6340633)

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_headerVersion1

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_type1

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_typeFlagBits0x4

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_level0

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_flagBits0x200

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_objId (AllocUnitId.idObj)412

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_indexId (AllocUnitId.idInd)256

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000Metadata: AllocUnitId72057594064928768

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000Metadata: PartitionId72057594048544768

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000Metadata: IndexId1

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000Metadata: ObjectId167671645

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_prevPage(1:6340634)

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_nextPage(1:6340632)

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000pminlen64

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_slotCnt3

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_freeCnt841

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_freeData7345

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_reservedCnt0

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_lsn(554547:11623:7)

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_xactReserved0

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_xdesId(0:0)

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_ghostRecCnt0

    PAGE HEADER:Page @0x00000004E9B06000m_tornBits-1807182252

    PAGE HEADER:Allocation StatusGAM (1:6134784)ALLOCATED

    PAGE HEADER:Allocation StatusSGAM (1:6134785)NOT ALLOCATED

    PAGE HEADER:Allocation StatusPFS (1:6332904)0x40 ALLOCATED 0_PCT_FULL

    PAGE HEADER:Allocation StatusDIFF (1:6134790)NOT CHANGED

    PAGE HEADER:Allocation StatusML (1:6134791)NOT MIN_LOGGED

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Yes absolutely - so helpful. Thank you:-)

  • Just to clarify the above posts (in case you are directed here while looking in regards to SQL 2005)

    Use this code for 2005:


    /*harvested and adjusted from :


    SET NOCOUNT ON declare @dbid int, @fileid int, @pageid int, @spid int, @sql varchar(128)

    --set your spid of interest here:

    set @spid = 95

    select @dbid = substring(waitresource, 1, charindex (':', waitresource) - 1),

    @fileid = substring(waitresource, charindex( ':', waitresource) + 1,

    charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1) -

    charindex(':',waitresource) - 1 ),

    @pageid = substring(waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource,

    charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1,

    len(waitresource) - (charindex(':', waitresource,

    charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1) )

    from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid and waitresource like '%:%:%'

    select @dbid,@fileId,@pageid

    set @sql = 'dbcc page (' + convert(varchar,@dbid) + ',' +

    convert(varchar,@fileid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@pageid) + ') with

    no_infomsgs, tableresults'

    if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name like


    drop table #pageinfo

    create table #pageinfo ( ParentObject varchar(128), [Object] varchar(128),

    [Field] varchar(128), [Value] varchar(128) )

    dbcc traceon (3604) with no_infomsgs

    insert into #pageinfo (ParentObject, Object, Field, Value)

    exec (@sql)

    print @sql

    select object_name([Value]) as 'waitresource object name' from

    --/*adjusted for 2005*/ #pageinfo where Field = 'm_objId'

    #pageinfo where Field = 'Metadata: ObjectID'

    dbcc traceoff (3604) with no_infomsgs ]

  • Hello,

    there is trick in your code - last char from waitresource is cutted of. I work for a while with it, and it seems that waitresource from sysprocesses always have extra char at the end.

    For more clarity I do this:

    select @colon1index = charindex (':', @waitresource)

    if (@colon1index < 0)


    select @colon2index = charindex (':', @waitresource, @colon1index+1)

    if (@colon2index <= 0)



    @dbid = substring(@waitresource, 1, @colon1index - 1),

    @fileid = substring(@waitresource, @colon1index + 1, @colon2index - @colon1index - 1),

    @pageid = substring(@waitresource, @colon2index + 1, len(@waitresource) - @colon2index - 1)

  • Thanks !!! It helped !!

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