Help me on Trigger Error Handling..

  • I am using the following Trigger on my appln.Here my problem is ,whenever i get any error (including contraints,null,any error) should be captured and displayed for my customized message.

    Pls help me on this...

    CREATE TRIGGER test_trigger ON dbo.testmydata

    after INSERT




    if (@@ERROR <> 0) goto ErrorHandler

    update qry....

    if (@@ERROR <> 0) goto ErrorHandler


    EXEC @CONFIRM=master.dbo. xp_sendmail @recipients '',@subject ='Premises Alert Message',@message = 'sdsd'


    if (@@ERROR <> 0) goto ErrorHandler


    RAISERROR ('An error occured while executing the trigger.',16,2)


    This is the Generating two message -one is from system and another is my message.I dont want to display the system message.any error occurs mesage should be displayed my custom message.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • If you are getting a second message i would check to make sure you don't have an alert setup to trap for that message or the job isn't set to send out emails on failure. Other than that I don't see any issues.


  • I think it depends on the severity of the error, some of the errors abort and rollback the transaction and it will be difficult to trap in SQL. Can't you trap/look at the error returned to your app, if its not your known error returned then you will have to do the job yourself.

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