Migration : from 7.0 to 2000

  • What not use a 7.0 Backup, then Restore that to a 2000 DB ?

    Why is it no one ever recommends this for a Migration Path ?

  • It works, but you've got time to take the backup, time to do the copy, time to restore the database versus primarily time to do the copy.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • It should work, but I'm always a little nrevous about moving between versions with something like this.

    Steve Jones


  • Thanks guys. This is an awesome site. I have informed all my fellow DBA's about this.

    SO, in a situation where the SQL Servers can be taken down for a weekend, what way would you suggest ?

  • I'd do the backup if you don't have the time.

    If you do, try the detach, attach

    Steve Jones


  • Steve ->

    We do have a whole weekend where the Servers can be down for this Migration.

    Would you suggest using Copy Database Wizard or a Manual Detach, Attach ?


    If Manual :

    wouldn't it be better for us to shut down the Servers, then Copy over the files, then Attach. Thus, avoiding the Detach. If so, should we attach System databases first - Master, MSDB, etc...then the User databases ?

    (I am wondering about Login Issues.)

  • I've had some issues with the Copy Database Wizard, so I tend to not trust as much, ubt when it works it is slick.

    You can shut down the server and copy the files. The detach doesn't matter, you can easily attach the files on both servers.

    If you are going to copy the files, you will want to do the master and msdb first, then the user databases. This should handle logins and users. If anything is out of synch, sp_change_users_login will fix this. Keep in mind that the server name is stored in master..sysservers. If the new server has a new name, then you will need to sp_dropserver, sp_addserver <name>, Local to correct this.

    hope this helps.

    Steve Jones


  • That brings up 2 points :

    1. If the Server Name is different, do I restore Master, then rename the Server ???

    2. Can there be two SQL Servers with the same name on the same Lan Segment ?

    (This may be the case when we do the Migration.)


    That brings up 2 points :

    1. If the Server Name is different, do I ATTACH Master, then rename the Server ???

    2. Can there be two SQL Servers with the same name on the same Lan Segment ?

    (This may be the case when we do the Migration.)

  • 1. Yes

    2. Not sure. I think this may cause issues, but I'm not sure.

    Steve Jones


  • You can't have to servers (windows) with the same names, so hence unless your using named instances of Sql,(2 part name) you can not have 2 Sql servers with the same name, on the same network.

    Tom Goltl

  • will Master Attach to a Different Server Name ?

  • should. It will have issues when it restarts.

    Steve Jones


  • Our Current SQL Server 7.0 Production box is called SQL1. We are purchasing a New Box soon for SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. I want this to be called SQL1 also.

    How do I do this ? (details please)

  • Are you operating in a workgroup, domain, more complex domain model (master, multiple master, full trust), or AD?

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

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