Naming stored proc parameters in ADO?

  • I am setting the recordset of a form dynamically though VBCode and just found out that my parameters are sent without name to my stored procedure despite me giving each parameter a name, like @Whatever

    Is there a way to make ADO use the parameter name or am I bound to call my stored procedure with exactly the same parameters and in the same order as as it was defined?

    Many Thanks


  • There is a way of doing it - you have to retrieve the parameters from your stored procedure with the Parameters.Refresh method, then populate them, then send them back - this is how you do it for a stored proc with two parameters - @BatchNo (numeric) and @DateUpdated (DateTime):

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = ActiveProject.Connection 'or your connection object

    .CommandText = "dbo.usp_Whatever" 'Proc Name

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc


    .Parameters("@BatchNo") = 1

    .Parameters("@DateUpdated") = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")


    End With

    Set cmd = Nothing

  • OOhhh....

    I like that!


  • Or you can run the dynamic SQL in your VB code and execute you stored procedure with explicit parameters naming:

    EXEC sp_MyStoreProcedure @Parameter2 = 2, @parameter1 = GETDATE()

  • I tried Parameters.Refresh but it fails all the time.

    Apparently, when I do this, it seems to try and fire the stored procedure which does not work because some parameters are required...

    Is there anything more to do for this to work?

  • Dynamic SQL in VB is ok but then I can't retrieve any output parameter or return code from the procedure...

  • To pick up a return result set:

    Dim rs As ADODB.RecordSet

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = ActiveProject.Connection 'or your connection object

    .CommandText = "dbo.usp_Whatever" 'Proc Name

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc


    .Parameters("@BatchNo") = 1

    .Parameters("@DateUpdated") = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")

    Set rs = .Execute

    End With

    Set cmd = Nothing

  • If I declare my command as type adCmdStoredProc, then the problem is that ADO fires the parameters without name in the order they are declared.

    This is manageable but very poor because likely to go wrong if someone changes the order of the parameters in the stored proc, which is quite legitimate.

    To pick up the Return Status from the stored procedure, I just declare a @Return parameter of Direction InputOutput.

    The problem is simply that the code has to specify the parameters in exactly the same order and not skip any, which is not too good.

    If I try to put cmd.Parameters.Refresh, I always get a runtime error specifically on that line

  • For named parameters, put:

    cmd.NamedParameters = True

    in your VB/VBA code. You need to be using ADO 2.6 or newer for this to work.

  • I like that!

    I don't have control of the runtime environments...

    How can I check whether my potential users have ADO 2.6?

    Can I check this through trying to create some particular object in vba?

  • Tools -> References in the VBA editor will show you the current libraries in use (including the ADO version number).


  • Instead of doing cmd.Parameters.Refresh try using:

    Dim objParam as ADODB.Parameter

    Set objParam = cmd.CreateParameter(Name, Type, Direction, Size)


    objParam.Value = yourvalue

    ( ex: CreateParameter("@BatchNo", adInteger, adParamInput)

    or: CreateParameter("@Return",adInteger,adParamOutput) )

    repeat for each parameter in the SP

  • This is what I first tried because I know this as "good practice" but ADO does not care and send the stored proc request without the parameter names... which fails if you did not declare exactly the same parameters in exactly the same order.

    At the moment, I do declare all parameters in the right order but it sucks a little bit...

  • hmm yes i see - that is annoying - the only thing I can think of is to create a 'wrapper' stored procedure that's tightly coupled to the ADO code which in turn executes the 'real' SP using named variables - that way if the order of variables in the 'real' SP should change it will not affect the ADO code.

  • True.

    A bit messy but it could help in some cases...

    I'll try to find out if my customers have ADO 2.6 on their workstations...

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