How to use a parameter in XML DataType Value method

  • HI,

    I am trying to use a variable in Value metohd of XML datatype.

    The syntax for Value method is

    value (XQuery, SQLType)

    if i use varchar as SQLTYPE it works fine , but if i use Int as the SQType it gives an error.

    Here is my query

    Declare @varPath varchar(100)

    set @varPath='''(/PurchaseOrder/MemberNo)[1]'''

    select TransactionData.value('sql:variable("@varPath")','int')

    from dbo.OrderMgmtUnTyped_ApplicationData


    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ''(/PurchaseOrder/MemberNo)[1]'' to data type int.

    From the error it seems that instead of typecasting the value of PurchaseOrder/MemberNo)[1] it is converting the string .

    Can anyone help me please.

  • If you change the SQLTYPE to varchar the query will run but it will not give you the desired results.

    It will return


    Therefore when you change the datatype to int it gives you a casting error because it cannot convert the above mentioned string to int.

    Just change

    select TransactionData.value('sql:variable("@varPath")','int')

    from dbo.OrderMgmtUnTyped_ApplicationData


    select TransactionData.value('(/PurchaseOrder/MemberNo)[1]','int')

    from dbo.OrderMgmtUnTyped_ApplicationData

    and every thing will work fine.

    Hope this helps!

  • Yes that will work , but i want to make is dynamic so that i can alteast pass the node name and get the value

    I got the solution to my problem.This may be helpful for others

    Declare @varPath varchar(100)

    set @varPath='MemberNo'

    select TransactionData.value('(/PurchaseOrder/*[local-name()=sql:variable("@varPath")])[1]','int')

    from dbo.OrderMgmtUnTyped_ApplicationData

    As the root node is always going to be the same i have hardcoded that but the MemberNo node is dynamic. I can pass any other node name and get the resuly dynamically.

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