why major players work on Sybase ??

  • Hi all DBA's

    I have a doubt that why major players like all mantinational bank work apon Sybase 12.5 or 15.0

    is it a good or wrost decission to work on both the technologies and choose sybase instand of sql server ?


    shashi kant

  • It's probably because they have been working on Sybase for years and see no reason to change. Sybase has been a good product, just not as popular as SQL Server over the last decade.

  • Many DBAs are saying that it is a good stable product.


    My Blog: http://dineshasanka.spaces.live.com/

  • If SYBASE is doing the job, there would be little reason to change.

    The cost of re-factoring the application is likely to be very high, so unless there is a really large business benefit, it is not likely to be cost effective to switch to another RDBMS.


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