How To Get a Reference to the Current Task

  • I have a DTS package containing several tasks as usual. I am writing an ActiveX script in the Workflow properties of one of the tasks. (i.e. I need to execute the script just before executing). My question is how do you get an exact reference to my current task, or for that matter any task. I don't want to use a general Task object, because I need to use specialized task methods and properties.

    Any suggestions? Please help...

  • Been there tried that, got the t-shirt, etc...

    You can't.

    Best I could put together is to have a variable that you manually set to the name. Not optimal I know, but it works.

    eg: this script alters the precedence constraints based on a global variable.

    Option Explicit
    Const STEP_NAME = "DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1"
    Function Main()
     Dim oPkg
     Dim oStep
     ' Get the FinalTask Step
     Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
     Set oStep = oPkg.Steps(STEP_NAME)
     If CBool(DTSGlobalVariables("CON_ProcessUBS").Value) = True Then
      ' Update the following task's precedence constraint to Execution result of success
      oStep.PrecedenceConstraints(1).PrecedenceBasis = DTSStepPrecedenceBasis_ExecResult
      oStep.PrecedenceConstraints(1).Value = DTSStepExecResult_Success
      Main = DTSStepScriptResult_ExecuteTask
      ' Update the following task's precedence constraint to Execution status of inactive
      oStep.PrecedenceConstraints(1).PrecedenceBasis = DTSStepPrecedenceBasis_ExecStatus
      oStep.PrecedenceConstraints(1).Value = DTSStepExecStat_Inactive
      Main = DTSStepScriptResult_DontExecuteTask
     End If
     Set oStep = Nothing
     Set oPkg = Nothing
    End Function


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks Phill, I'll try it out in a while...

  • Never really had to do this, but was wondering, couldn't you grab the parent package2 object, loop the step collection and determine which step object has a "DTSStepExecStatus" of "DTSStepExecStat_InProgress" (2)?

    I understand if your Package has parallel Steps this would not work.

    Just a though,

    -Mike Gercevich

  • Mike

    Yes you could do that, but as you've already pointed out, parallel execution brings it undone

    What would have been really nice was a method of referencing the current step in the same way that DTSGlobalVariables.Parent references the current package.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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