Collation conflict problem with Stored Proc

  • Hi, can someone help with the following problem ? (SQLserver 2000)

    I have a stored proc running fine on my development server. when I add a new SP onto the live server and paste the same code from the development server and try to save I get the following error message: -

    Error 446: Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation.

    The SP is a s follows: -

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[prc993_Core_audit_field_list]

    (@strTableName varchar(128))


    Select A.[name] as 'column_name',

     B.[id] as 'column_id',

     0 as color,

     0 as error,

     0 as selected,

     0 as found,

     A.colorder as 'rownumber',

     Case A.xType

      When 34 Then 'image' ---- Blob --

      When 35 Then 'text'

      When 52 Then 'smallint'

      When 56 Then 'int'

      When 60 Then 'money'

      When 61 Then 'datetime'

      When 104 Then 'bit'

      When 106 Then 'decimal'

      When 167 Then 'varchar'

      When 175 Then 'char'

      Else 'other'

     End as 'column_type',

      Cast(C.value as varchar(255) ) as 'column_description',

     B.[name] as 'table_name'

    From sysobjects B inner join

     syscolumns A on = Left Outer Join

     ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description',N'user',N'dbo',N'table',@strTableName, N'column', null) C on = C.objname

    Where = @strTableName

    Order by A.colorder


    Thanks for any help.


  • You need add the sentence

    COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS


    I have my server in Español , you need put collate '''''''''''', your language.





  • Ok,

    Where in the SP does this ned to go ?

    I am using COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS.



  • You can prove..... in red color



    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[prc993_Core_audit_field_list]

    (@strTableName varchar(128))


    Select A.[name] as 'column_name',

     B.[id] as 'column_id',

     0 as color,

     0 as error,

     0 as selected,

     0 as found,

     A.colorder as 'rownumber',

     Case A.xType

      When 34 Then 'image' ---- Blob --

      When 35 Then 'text'

      When 52 Then 'smallint'

      When 56 Then 'int'

      When 60 Then 'money'

      When 61 Then 'datetime'

      When 104 Then 'bit'

      When 106 Then 'decimal'

      When 167 Then 'varchar'

      When 175 Then 'char'

      Else 'other'

     End as 'column_type',

      Cast(C.value as varchar(255) ) as 'column_description',

     B.[name] as 'table_name'

    From sysobjects B inner join

     syscolumns A on =   COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

      Left Outer Join

     ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description',N'user',N'dbo',N'table',@strTableName, N'column', null) C on = C.objname

    Where = @strTableName

    Order by A.colorder

  • Mine is in us_english but I think that the right place should be on the name column :

    Select A.[name] as 'column_name',

     B.[id] as 'column_id',

     0 as color,

     0 as error,

     0 as selected,

     0 as found,

     A.colorder as 'rownumber',

     Case A.xType

      When 34 Then 'image' ---- Blob --

      When 35 Then 'text'

      When 52 Then 'smallint'

      When 56 Then 'int'

      When 60 Then 'money'

      When 61 Then 'datetime'

      When 104 Then 'bit'

      When 106 Then 'decimal'

      When 167 Then 'varchar'

      When 175 Then 'char'

      Else 'other'

     End as 'column_type',

      Cast(C.value as varchar(255) ) as 'column_description',

     B.[name] as 'table_name'

    From sysobjects B inner join

     syscolumns A on =   

      Left Outer Join

     ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description',N'user',N'dbo',N'table',@strTableName, N'column', null) C on = C.objname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    Where = @strTableName

    Order by A.colorder


    * Noel

  • ok you put the collate in the equals,  if you prove put in both and its funcionatility, ok , its resolve.



  • Hi, I could only get it to work with Noels suggestion.

    Thanks to all who responded.


  • Note that adding collation comments into your SQL code could invariably increase the execution time of the code/procedure. It is best to keep the Server Collation the same between your development environment on your production environment.

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