To Recover a DB from Suspect to normal

  • Hi,

    I had a production Database with 35 GB of capacity, when i restarted the SQL Server agents i found one of my DB in Suspect mode, will any one please let me know how to recover this DB from Suspect to Normal. I dont have a backup of this DB

  • hi,

    have u used this command for the suspect database

    sp_resetstatus database_name

    hopes it works for u.


    Tasawar Hussain

  • Hi,

    I tried this option but was not able to recover the suspect mode db to normal, please suggest if any other.

  • Hi,

    More information is needed to understand why your DB has come-up suspect. Currently understanding is, you shutdown the server or SQL Server service and re-started the SQL Server Serive NOT SQL Server Agent. Upon start-up, your DB has been marked suspect? Did you run out of disk space for data or log file(s)? What version of SQL Server are you running, including service packs? Why did you shut server or service down?


    Phillip Cox

    MCITP - DBAdmin

  • Hi,

    I am using SQL Server 2000, i believe we use SP4 infact the reason for the DB to get Suspect is, it was giving an error ,

    Could not allocate space for object 'MSmerge_tombstone' in database ' ' because the 'PRIMARY FILE GROUP IS FULL'

    So we tried with restarting the services and then the Server itself. But i do have enough space in the Drive, all the system databases and the DB's used by us are in the same drive. Even then we enough 1.3 GB of space in c, d and in e (Where the DBs stay) has 126 GB space free. Please let me know if you are in need of any more information. Please help to remove the DB from suspect mode.

    And also please suggest me if any "How to send a automail to my id once the DB has reached into a Suspect mode".


  • Ok, are your database configured for auto-growth and if so, what is the growth factor (e.g. 10% or 1GB)?

  • The Auto-growth has been made in terms of MB so i have given 100 MB as auto-growth

  • Are you on MSN Messenger?

  • i am on gmail, the id is, u can give your gmailid

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