Grouping in stored procedure and using a case statement

  • I have a stored procedure that works at the moment. It takes data from a table and formats it and puts it into a 2nd table.

    The issue I have is that they want to group some of the fields together and sum a couple as well and I am getting nowhere with my solution. I realise I am being slow but any pointers would be gratefully received.

    Forget all the code around it, so the bit I am having an issue with goes like this.

    insert into #interface(record)



    when@material in ('XXX','YYY','ZZZ')


    'D' +

    '9999' +

    'JM' + case @Field1

    when 'TEST' then convert( char(6), getdate(), 12)

    else @Field1

    end + '00' + convert(char(6),@dated,112) + -- GROUP BY 1

    left( @Field2 + space(18), 18 ) + -- GROUP BY 2

    @Field3 +

    right('00000000000000' + convert(varchar, abs(@Field4), 0),14) + -- SUM

    @Field5 +GROUP BY 4

    right('00000000000000' + convert(varchar, abs(@Field6), 0),14) + -- SUM

    @Field7 +

    space(8) +

    'AAA' +

    '0000999999'+ -- GROUP BY 5

    space(32) +

    left(isnull(@Field8,'008888'), 6) + -- GROUP BY 6

    space(86) +

    @Field9 +

    space(7) +@Field10 +-- GROUP BY 3

    @Field11 +



    'D' +

    '9999' +

    'JM' +

    case @Field1

    when 'TEST' then convert( char(6), getdate(), 12)

    else @Field1

    end + '00' + convert(char(6),@dated,112) +

    left( @Field2 + space(18), 18 ) +

    @Field3 +

    right('00000000000000' + convert(varchar, abs(@Field4), 0),14) +

    @Field5 +

    right('00000000000000' + convert(varchar, abs(@Field6), 0),14) +

    @Field7 +

    space(8) +

    'AAA' +


    space(32) +

    left(isnull(@Field8,'008888'), 6) +

    space(86) +

    @Field9 +

    space(7) +

    @Field10 +

    @Field11 +




    Thanks again

  • I don't understand your problem. Are you getting any errors? Are you getting wrong results? What should "correct" results look like?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Sorry - It is not a problem as such more of a query

    The result is basically a header record, detail records then a footer record in a 2nd table. It is 1 long string in each case.

    There are no errors until I try and start grouping things.

    The code is the detail record part. As it is at the moment it works but in the first section of the case you can see I have put some notes after the lines which I need to then do. -- Group 1, -- Group 2 etc and SUM

    Does that make more sense?

    Thanks for quick reply

  • Spikemarks, is it possible to determine what you want to do from these two posts? I don't think so! How about showing two output lists, one containing what you currently have, the other consisting of what the first should look like after aggregation? That would help immensely.

    You will almost certainly find it easier to aggregate first then perform your formatting routines afterwards i.e. preaggregate. Have you tried this yet?



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Ok Here goes

















    Records being used for input

    Output as of now :

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post120.00VAT1.75 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post114.33VAT1.23 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post112.44VAT2.45 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post115.44VAT3.12 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post120.00VAT1.75 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice2Post114.33VAT1.23 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice3Post112.44VAT2.45 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice4Post115.44VAT3.12 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice5Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post120.00VAT1.75 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice2Post114.33VAT1.23 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice3Post112.44VAT2.45 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice4Post115.44VAT3.12 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice5Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    Required Output:

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post134.33VAT2.98 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post127.88VAT5.57 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice1Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice2Post134.33VAT2.98 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice2Post127.88VAT5.57 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice2Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice3Post134.33VAT2.98 AAA00009999991 xxx Product1UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice3Post127.88VAT5.57 AAA00009999991 xxx Product2UOM

    D9999JMBatch1Invoice3Post1123.56VAT4.56 AAA00009999991 xxx Product3UOM

    Forget the spacing between the fields it doesn't look right but I can sort that out.

    I hope this makes sense if not not sure what to do next.

    I also saw the suggestion previously about doing stuff prior and that is a possibility but I would like to try and get this right if possible.

    If not then I will have to think again.


  • Before anyone says anything I must apologise as I am new to this game. I have just read the way you should post things here and realise I should have done a create table etc script rather than just put data in. Once again I apologise.

  • New code etc

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with CREATE TABLE #mytable

    CREATE TABLE #mytable (

    Field1 Char(10)

    Field2 Char(10)

    Field3 Char(10)

    Field4 Money

    Field5 Char(3)

    Field6 Money

    Field7 Char(10)

    Field8 Char(1)

    Field9 Char(3)

    Field10 Char(10)

    Field11 Char(3)


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable


















  • Don't worry, you're doing great.

    Is this the code that could work on the sample data?

    DECLARE @Input TABLE (

    Field1 varchar(10),

    Field2 varchar(10),

    Field3 varchar(10),

    Field4 decimal(18,5),

    Field5 varchar(10),

    Field6 decimal(18,5),

    Field7 varchar(10),

    Field8 int,

    Field9 varchar(10),


    Field11 varchar(10)



    'Batch1','Invoice1','Post1',20.00,'VAT',1.75,'Dummy',1,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice1','Post1',14.33,'VAT',1.23,'Dummy',2,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice1','Post1',12.44,'VAT',2.45,'Dummy',3,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice1','Post1',15.44,'VAT',3.12,'Dummy',4,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice1','Post1',123.56,'VAT',4.56,'Dummy',5,'XXX','Product3','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',20.00,'VAT',1.75,'Dummy',1,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',14.33,'VAT',1.23,'Dummy',2,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',12.44,'VAT',2.45,'Dummy',3,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',15.44,'VAT',3.12,'Dummy',4,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',123.56,'VAT',4.56,'Dummy',5,'XXX','Product3','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',20.00,'VAT',1.75,'Dummy',1,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice2','Post1',14.33,'VAT',1.23,'Dummy',2,'XXX','Product1','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice3','Post1',12.44,'VAT',2.45,'Dummy',3,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT

    'Batch1','Invoice3','Post1',15.44,'VAT',3.12,'Dummy',4,'XXX','Product2','UOM' UNION ALL SELECT


    SELECT CASE WHEN Field9 IN ( 'XXX', 'YYY', 'ZZZ' )

    THEN 'D' + '9999' + 'JM'

    + CASE Field1


    ELSE Field1


    + '00' + CONVERT(CHAR(6), GETDATE(), 112) + -- GROUP BY 1

    LEFT(Field2 + SPACE(18), 18) + -- GROUP BY 2

    Field3 + RIGHT('00000000000000'

    + CONVERT(VARCHAR, ABS(Field4), 0), 14) + -- SUM

    Field5 + ---GROUP BY 4

    RIGHT('00000000000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, ABS(Field6), 0),14) + -- SUM

    Field7 + SPACE(8) + 'AAA' + '0000999999' + -- GROUP BY 5

    SPACE(32) + LEFT(ISNULL(Field8, '008888'), 6) + -- GROUP BY 6

    SPACE(86) + Field9 + SPACE(7) + Field10 + -- GROUP BY 3

    Field11 + SPACE(208)

    ELSE 'D' + '9999' + 'JM'

    + CASE Field1


    ELSE Field1

    END + '00' + CONVERT(CHAR(6), GETDATE(), 112)

    + LEFT(Field2 + SPACE(18), 18) + Field3

    + RIGHT('00000000000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, ABS(Field4), 0), 14)

    + Field5

    + RIGHT('00000000000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, ABS(Field6), 0), 14)

    + Field7

    + SPACE(8) + 'AAA'

    + '0000999999' + SPACE(32) + LEFT(ISNULL(Field8, '008888'), 6)

    + SPACE(86) + Field9

    + SPACE(7) + Field10 + Field11 + SPACE(208)


    FROM @Input

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Yep that works ok. I realise that there is only a small part of the SP there but if I put it all on it would be I think too big.

  • Please close off this thread I have sorted myself by using a temp table

  • Thanks for the notice, I was planning to respond later today, you saved me some extra work.

    Can you post your solution (or part of it) here so that others having the same problem can take advantage from your experience?



    -- Gianluca Sartori

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