XML to file

  • I have a query that, when run in SSMS with 'Results to Grid' selected, provides a link (in the grid). When I click on the link, I see the results that I expect.

    When I run the query with 'Results to text' or 'Results to file' selected, the text or file contains a line starting with the characters "XML..." and a second line containing dashes '--------------...'

    The query is to be a monthly report, the output of which I need to email out.

    How do I get a file that omits the first two lines that I can email out (with SSRS)?


  • This is simple, run the query with "Results to Grid", right click on the results and select Save Results As..


  • Allow me to illustrate

    USE MyTempDB


    IF OBJECT_ID('MyTempDB..SomeTable1','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE SomeTable1;

    CREATE TABLE SomeTable1


    Firstname varchar(20),

    Lastname varchar(20),

    Position varchar(20)



    INSERT INTO SomeTable1

    (Firstname, Lastname, Position)

    SELECT 'Adam', 'Athome', 'President' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Dagwood', 'Bumstead', 'VicePresident'


    When I run this:

    SELECT * FROM SomeTable1

    FOR XML RAW ('DataRecord'), ROOT ('DataRecords'), ELEMENTS;

    ..with "results to file" selected, I get this:




    (2 row(s) affected)

    I'm trying to produce a file with just the XML:













    I do not want this part in the XML file:



    ..or this part:

    (2 row(s) affected)

    I just want a file to email out. I'd like to schedule the email with SSRS (no user intervention).

    Any ideas???

  • It is SSMS which is playing tricks on you, for an automatic process it should not be in the picture. Create a stored procedure with your select statement and call it from SSRS to retrieve the XML.


    You might also want to add the TYPE directive to the query.

    SELECT * FROM SomeTable1

    FOR XML RAW ('DataRecord'), ROOT ('DataRecords'), TYPE, ELEMENTS;

  • Going from bad to worse...

    Whether I use the query directly in a report, or put the query in a stored procedure, this is the result:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Report xsi:schemaLocation="SQLTestServerTest2 http://SQLReportServer/ReportServer?%2FSQLTestServerTest2&rs%3AFormat=XML&rs%3ASnapshot%3Aisnull=True&rc%3ASchema=True" Name="SQLTestServerTest2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="SQLTestServerTest2">



    <Detail XML_F52E2B61_18A1_11d1_B105_00805F49916B="<DataRecords><DataRecord><Firstname>Adam</Firstname><Lastname>Athome</Lastname><Position>President</Position></DataRecord><DataRecord><Firstname>Dagwood</Firstname><Lastname>Bumstead</Lastname><Position>VicePresident</Position></DataRecord></DataRecords>" /></Detail_Collection>



    I still have this funkyness:


    ..and now everything is in a <Detail Collection> ..and a <Table>

  • I am not sure about the report, but the SQL Server Management Studio issue seems to be that you are saving the results (possibly as text or CSV), not the XML column within them. If I want to save XML from SSMS results, I click the XML column (it is usually blue and underlined) which opens the XML in a new query window which can be saved as XML (without the usual declaration, but this usually works in applications).

  • Tavis Reddick (8/19/2014)

    I am not sure about the report, but the SQL Server Management Studio issue seems to be that you are saving the results (possibly as text or CSV), not the XML column within them. If I want to save XML from SSMS results, I click the XML column (it is usually blue and underlined) which opens the XML in a new query window which can be saved as XML (without the usual declaration, but this usually works in applications).

    Yes, that works fine, but how to automate an email with the XML in a file as an attachment is the question.

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