Unable to insert Dynamic Database Name

  • Hi Guys

    Unable to Insert Dynamic Database name into new table here is my query

    This is the cursor iam using for

    Declare dbname_curr cursor for

    select [name] from sysdatabases where [name] not in ('tempdb')

    order by [name]

    open dbname_curr

    fetch next from dbname_curr into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status <> -1


    SELECT @command = 'Use ' + @dbname + ' Insert into master.dbo.DBInfo SELECT

    @@servername as ServerName,

    '+ @dbname +' as Databasename,

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 AS int) AS FileSize,

    sysfiles.name AS LogicalFileName,

    filename AS PhysicalFileName,

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name, ' + '''' +

    'SpaceUsed' + '''' + ' ) AS int)/128.0 AS int) AS FreeSpaceMB,

    CAST(100 * (CAST (((sysfiles.size/128.0 -CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name,

    ' + '''' + 'SpaceUsed' + '''' + ' ) AS int)/128.0)/(sysfiles.size/128.0))

    AS decimal(4,2))) AS varchar(8)) + ' + '''' + '%' + '''' + ' AS FreeSpacePct,

    CASE WHEN maxsize = 0 THEN LTRIM(STR(growth * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + '' MB,''

    ELSE ''By '' + CAST(growth AS VARCHAR) + '' percent, '' END +

    CASE WHEN maxsize = -1 THEN ''Unrestricted Growth''

    ELSE ''restricted growth to '' + LTRIM(STR(maxsize * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + '' MB''

    END AS Autogrow,

    GETDATE() as PollDate from dbo.sysfiles'

    Print @command

    Exec (@command)

    fetch next from dbname_curr into @dbname


    close dbname_curr

    deallocate dbname_curr

    And As a Output Iam getting

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Invalid column name 'QuestSoftware'.

    Use QuestSoftware Insert into master.dbo.DBInfo SELECT

    @@servername as ServerName,

    QuestSoftware as Databasename, ** Iam getting without ' ' ***

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 AS int) AS FileSize,

    sysfiles.name AS LogicalFileName,

    filename AS PhysicalFileName,

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name, 'SpaceUsed' ) AS int)/128.0 AS int) AS FreeSpaceMB,

    CAST(100 * (CAST (((sysfiles.size/128.0 -CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name,

    'SpaceUsed' ) AS int)/128.0)/(sysfiles.size/128.0))

    AS decimal(4,2))) AS varchar(8)) + '%' AS FreeSpacePct,

    CASE WHEN maxsize = 0 THEN LTRIM(STR(growth * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + ' MB,'

    ELSE 'By ' + CAST(growth AS VARCHAR) + ' percent, ' END +

    CASE WHEN maxsize = -1 THEN 'Unrestricted Growth'

    ELSE 'restricted growth to ' + LTRIM(STR(maxsize * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + ' MB'

    END AS Autogrow,

    GETDATE() as PollDate from dbo.sysfiles

    Can some one Please help me out on this.



  • Hello,

    Could you use sp_msforeachdb instead of the cursor and Use statement?


    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Nag (7/2/2009)

    '+ @dbname +' as Databasename,

    Nag, (cute tag...)

    change this to:

    '+ QuoteName(@dbname, char(39)) +' as Databasename,

    That should resolve your issue.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Thanks Wayne 🙂 Its worked



  • Hello John

    Iam using this script in production servrs, I saw some were this "sp_msforeachdb" undocumented and which is not recommeded by microsoft

    to use it on Production. and also few of my SQL Server 2000 servers don't have this SP by default.



  • Nag,

    Yes, sp_msForEachDB is an undocumented system stored procedure. Which just means that google will have the information you need for how to use it.

    What I find ironic is the suggestion to replace your cursor with this... if you look at the code for it, it is a cursor.

    There is nothing wrong with keeping this cursor - it looks like it is for an automated admin task.

    FYI, I've never seen a server that didn't have sp_msForEachDB in the master db. The only way I can picture this happening is if it were to be deliberately dropped.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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  • Hello Wayne,

    You can find a definition of irony here: http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/irony?view=uk

    You may like to spend your time writing code to duplicate logic already provided elsewhere but that does not mean everyone does.

    Have a nice day,

    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Hello Nag,

    If you want to consider using sp_msforeachdb, then I have tested the code below under SQL 2005. It should work Okay for 2000.


    John Marsh

    PS: During my (limited) testing, I did notice that using the int data type for File Size related fields caused some significant rounding. You might want to consider using another numeric data type.


    @DBInfo Table

    (ServerName sysname,

    Databasename sysname,

    FileSize int,

    LogicalFileName sysname,

    PhysicalFileName nvarchar(260),

    FreeSpaceMB int,

    FreeSpacePct nvarchar(8),

    Autogrow nvarchar(50),

    PollDate datetime)

    Insert Into @DBInfo

    Exec sp_MSforeachdb


    @@servername as ServerName,

    ''?'' as Databasename,

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 AS int) AS FileSize,

    sysfiles.name AS LogicalFileName,

    filename AS PhysicalFileName,

    CAST(sysfiles.size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS int)/128.0 AS int) AS FreeSpaceMB,

    CAST(100 * (CAST (((sysfiles.size/128.0 -CAST(FILEPROPERTY(sysfiles.name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS int)/128.0)/(sysfiles.size/128.0)) AS decimal(4,2))) AS varchar(8)) + ''%'' AS FreeSpacePct,

    CASE WHEN maxsize = 0 THEN LTRIM(STR(growth * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + '' MB,''

    ELSE ''By '' + CAST(growth AS VARCHAR) + '' percent, '' END +

    CASE WHEN maxsize = -1 THEN ''Unrestricted Growth''

    ELSE ''restricted growth to '' + LTRIM(STR(maxsize * 8.0 / 1024,10,1)) + '' MB''

    END AS Autogrow,

    GETDATE() as PollDate from dbo.sysfiles'

    Select * From @DBInfo

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • John Marsh (7/2/2009)

    Hello Wayne,

    You can find a definition of irony here: http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/irony?view=uk

    You may like to spend your time writing code to duplicate logic already provided elsewhere but that does not mean everyone does.

    Have a nice day,

    John Marsh

    His point was that he was cautious about using an undocumented stored procedure. While I personally don't see any reason not to use it, I understand his position.

    If he doesn't want to use an undocumented stored procedure, then his only recourse is to duplicate the functionality in his code. And since he has already duplicated it, he should just go ahead and keep it.

    Note that just moving his code from his cursor to using sp_MSForEachDB would not have corrected his problem.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Yes, I agree with you Wayne



  • Hi John

    Thanks for your script john I have tried my script with "sp_MSforeachdb" SP which worked fine .

    Actually I don't want to use this SP So iam using cursor.



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