Running Trace Script - Only Created 128KB Files

  • Hello,

    I wrote a script to run a trace but the files created are only 128KB. It will not cycle to create additional ones. It only creates one file and stops at 128KB. Here's the script. Any ideas? Thanks for any help!

    --== Create/Run trace for 5 minutes. File name is dynamic to include time of file creation.

    DECLARE @rc Int,

    @trace_id Int,

    @Trace_File nvarchar(245),

    @max_FileSize bigint,

    @servName varchar(100),

    @endTime datetime,

    @onBit bit

    SET @servName = REPLACE(@@serverName, '\', '')

    SET @endTime = DATEADD(mi, 5, GETDATE())

    SET @trace_File = '\\Server\Chare\Trace\Trace_'+

    @servName + '_' +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(yy, GETDATE())) +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(mm, GETDATE())) +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(dd, GETDATE())) +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(hh, GETDATE())) +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(mi, GETDATE())) +

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()))

    SET @max_FileSize = 5

    SET @onBit = 1


    EXEC @rc = sp_trace_create

    @traceid = @trace_id OUTPUT,

    @options = 0,

    @tracefile = @trace_File,

    @maxfilesize = @max_FileSize,

    @stoptime = @endTime

    IF @rc != 0


    SELECT @rc

    --RAISERROR('Could not create trace definition.', 16, 1)




    --== 10 = RPC:COMPLETED


    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 14,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 26,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 35,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 16,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 17,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 18,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 13,

    @on = @onBit

    EXEC sp_trace_setevent

    @traceid = @trace_id ,

    @eventid = 10,

    @columnid = 12,

    @on = @onBit


    EXEC sp_trace_setfilter

    @trace_Id, 10, 0, 7, N'SQL Profiler'


    Print 'Starting Trace'

    EXEC sp_trace_setstatus

    @traceid = @trace_id,

    @status = 1


  • Check sp_trace_create in BOL. A problem I see withyour is options is set to 0, when it needs to be 2 for rollover.

  • Thanks, Lynn. I initially had this set to 2, but same results. The script I built from Profiler actually uses 0, so I tried that next which is why I included it this way on the script above.


  • Well, since you are setting the stop time to 5 minutes I would venture to say that you are only collecting 128KB of data and would never fill a 5MB file so you wouldn't need to rollover.

  • Well, the server processes many records a second. 5 minutes should fill up a 5mb file no problem so a roll_over would probably be expected. The problem is that it stops at 128KB, which I did not specify that limit.

  • JuanBob (5/8/2009)

    Well, the server processes many records a second. 5 minutes should fill up a 5mb file no problem so a roll_over would probably be expected. The problem is that it stops at 128KB, which I did not specify that limit.

    It's certainly easy to find out, increase the run time to 10 minutes or omit the stop time parameter and manually stop it.

    How big the file gets depends on how many events and columns you include in trace and any filters you have applied as well as activity.

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