Need to export multiple query results set to an excel sheet(single)

  • HI, Actually I will get 5 sets of results from a query. And I need to paste this results into an excel sheet(single sheet). Is there any way of doing this through DTS package.

  • Hi I guess people are not getting what I mean to say.

    Actually I am having a report in one of the tab of excel sheet. For this report I need to paste the results of five queries.

    As when we transform data through DTS package it will look for the ununsed row as well unused column. Is there any way of choosing the cell in excel from where we need to copy the results in teh report using DTS,

    Please help me out.



  • sukusupremo15 (11/21/2008)

    HI, Actually I will get 5 sets of results from a query. And I need to paste this results into an excel sheet(single sheet). Is there any way of doing this through DTS package.


    Collect the results in a temporary table and use the following query

    insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\excelfile.xls;',

    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from temporaryTablename

    kshitij kumar

  • HI,

    Actually there is some formatting and formulae are existing at the detsination sheet Where I am interested to paste teh data.. Sorry I miss this point. I am looking at the way as follws/ with out disturbing trh formulae and format the pointer for the transformation need to move to the required cell and simply paste teh results.


  • In addition to the above I dont have option to create the temporary tables in the client servers.

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