Getting access to MSDE version server

  • I have a SQL Server 2000 MSDE instance which was installed and configured by a person no longer with our organization. I have been asked to do maintenance on the databases in this instance, but no one remembers any of the login names or passwords for SA or any login associated with the databases on this instance. I know this may be a stupid question but is there anyway to get into this SQL Server instance without the passwords? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Add your NT login as a member of buitin administrator on that MSDE machine.

    When you install Sql server on any machine it by default has the builtin\administrator as a login with it.

    Unless of course it was explicitly removed.

  • If the BUILTIN|Administrators group is still in the logins for SQL, you can add your account to the local Administrators group on the machine which would give you sa access if the default settings were not changed.

  • Thanks for your help with this, I added my login to the local admins group and I still could not get access. I am thinking someone did delete the builtin/admin. Oh well have to find another way. Thanks again.


  • Sounds like you may have to reinstall. Be sure to backup all system and user databases prior to the reinstall.

  • Try this:

    Copy your msde instance master database files to a test system and attach it there (database with new name) and open check under sysxlogins table whether builtin\administrators group is there or not. If not, try inserting an entry there and copy these files back to the faulty msde server and add ur self under local admin group.

    Good exercise indeed.



  • Great suggestions! I will definitly be giving this a try. Thanks for your help!


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