Problem with recursive trigger

  • I have one table as follows :

    CREATE TABLE [StaticSiteMenu] (

    [Menu_Id] [smallint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

    [MenuType_Id] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

    [BusinessGroup_Id] [tinyint] NULL ,

    [Parent_Id] [smallint] NULL ,

    [TopLevelMenuId] [smallint] NULL )

    And on this [StaticSiteMenu] I have tirgger as follow :

    CREATE TRIGGER [trg_StaticSiteMenuTopLevelMenu] ON [dbo].[StaticSiteMenu]




    update dbo.StaticSiteMenu set TopLevelMenuId = dbo.TopLevelMenuId(Menu_Id)

    where Menu_Id in (select Menu_Id from inserted)

    update dbo.StaticSiteMenu set TopLevelMenuId = dbo.TopLevelMenuId(Menu_Id)

    where Parent_Id in (select Menu_Id from inserted)

    Here dbo.TopLevelMenuId(Menu_Id) is a function which finds ParentId. This trigger gives error 'Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded ( limit 32) ' after execution. My datatbase property RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS is ON and I want to keep it ON because some of other triggers I want to execute recursively.

    Here this trigger I dont want to execute recursively. But as RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS property is on this trigger is also executing recursively and giving error.

    If any record is updated I'm updating SAME record with proper value and because of that first @@ROWCOUNT = 0 condition is never satisfying.

    Can anyone suggest how I can terminate this trigger after executing it only one time? Can we avoid recursive execution in this trigger?

    [font="Tahoma"]"Dont let someone be priority in your life if you are simply option for someone."[/font]

  • There is a trick for you:

    IF Object_ID('tempdb..#Inserted_trg_StaticSiteMenuTopLevelMenu') IS NOT NULL



    CREATE TABLE #Inserted_trg_StaticSiteMenuTopLevelMenu (ID int)

    Table will be created when the trigger is called 1st time.

    On recursive call trigger will see existing table and quit immediately.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I'm not positive but I believe you can use the @@NESTLEVEL function as well.

    The first thing I'd do is re-evaluate my recursive triggers. There should be a way to avoid them. They are a performance killer and a bear to debug if there is a problem because they nest transactions so if the 22nd transaction fails it rolls it all back.

  • @@NESTLEVEL depends on where you call your INSERT from.

    If it is from a procedure called by a procedure called by ....

    You know.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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