November 24, 2009 at 2:04 pm
Hi, I am trying to list usernames with special characters from user table.
I have tried using like operator, but I dont have the complete list of special characters . so I would really appreciate if some one can help me out with the query.
help me with the query that lists all special characters.
November 24, 2009 at 2:34 pm
What do you mean by special characters?
Jack Corbett
Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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November 24, 2009 at 2:54 pm
any characters other than [a-z],[A-Z],[0-9]
November 24, 2009 at 3:18 pm
How about something like this:
Set up test table and data
test_col VARCHAR(10)
@string VARCHAR(10)
SET @int = 0
WHILE @int <=223
IF LEN(@string) < 10 OR @string IS NULL
SET @string = ISNULL(@string, '') + CHAR(FLOOR(RAND(@int) * @int + 1))
SET @string = ''
SET @int = @int + 1
Return all the rows
#test AS T
Return the rows that return non-alphanumeric characters.
#test AS T
test_col LIKE '%[^a-z]%' AND
test_col LIKE '%[^0-9]%' AND
test_col LIKE '%[^A-Z]%'
Jack Corbett
Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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November 24, 2009 at 3:30 pm
great !!
Thanks Jack!
November 24, 2009 at 3:54 pm
Jack I am sorry it worked with your example, but when I worked with my test data its not working.. I should return only 1st 5 records but its returning more..could you please help me resolve this issue
here is my test data
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.#frUser_Copy') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #frUser_Copy
UserName VARCHAR(25)
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('shashi>')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('sh>shashi')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('shashi"&')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('shash?34')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('sh&&?34')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('22jsnell')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('71jsnell')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('71rowens')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('99jsnell')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('abcrep')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('abcuser')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('acctrep01')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('acctrep1')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('Admin')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('Andrew')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ANewUser')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('asingh')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('askillmeyer')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('B2BFiler10')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('BEHenri')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('BEOnlineAcct01')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bermudafiler')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('BEtesting')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhanup')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhartmere')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhetju')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhetjun')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhetjunk')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bhetland')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('BillBradley')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bmorgan')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('bpersha')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ccharlier')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ccharlier01')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ccharlierext')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('cici11')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ClaudiaOrg')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('cmylavarapu')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('crcharlier')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('CTCorp')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('CTCorpJR')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('cvanroy')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('cvanroy1')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ddiacont')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dmacd')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dmacdougall')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dmason')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dmasononline2')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dmasononline3')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('dsingh')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ebarnard')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('Elisa42')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('eottesen')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('ExternalFiler01')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('externalrole')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('FileOneAdmin')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('FM14Test')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('general')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('gilligan')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('guestuser')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('hbali')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('henrithomas')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('HermeetBali123')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('hthomas')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('hthomas1')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('internaluser')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jhenderson01')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjones')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesalt1')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesalternate')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesext2')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesexternal')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesexternal1')
INSERT INTO #frUser_Copy([UserName])VALUES ('jjonesformer')
[UserName] LIKE '%[^a-z]%' AND
[UserName] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' AND
[UserName] LIKE '%[^A-Z]%'
November 24, 2009 at 4:17 pm
I had the general idea right, just the implementation wrong.
Try this:
[UserName] LIKE '%[^a-z0-9]%'
Unless you have a case-sensitive collation then the a-z will work for any alpha characters including upper-case
Jack Corbett
Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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November 24, 2009 at 8:36 pm
The AND NOT's can get pretty confusing, so just to explain this a bit more:
The problem is the logic of your where clause. Here's what you're saying(assuming case sensitivity doesn't matter for this explanation):
[UserName] LIKE '%[^a-z]%' AND
This will pull in anything with a character other than a-z. So any string with a number passes this test.
[UserName] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' AND
This will pull in anything with a character other than 0-9, so anything with a letter passes this test.
[UserName] LIKE '%[^A-Z]%'
This will again, pull in anything with a character other than A-Z, so all strings with numbers pass this again.
Your end result? All strings with a non alphanumeric character(which is what you're after), as well as all strings with both a number and a letter, because these are evaluated separately.
Combining them like Jack shows above(or with a case sensitive collation using LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%' looks for a character outside of *all* of those ranges at once, not each individually, which is what you're trying to do.
Also, if you were evaluating only a single character, your WHERE clause would be OK, because of the AND's. A single character would never pass all those tests if it was a number or letter, (letters fail the first or third, numbers fail the second, leaving you with what you want), the problem is that you're looking for *any* character in a series that passes for the entire string to pass, so any strings with individual characters that pass each criteria make it through.
November 24, 2009 at 9:30 pm
Thanks a lot!!!
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