Case and Len together

  • Is something like this even possible? If my field is longer than 3 (varchar field), I want to use the first two positions of the SERVCODE to insert into a field on my table. Of course this is the only piece of the code I need assistance with and I greatly appreciate any, and all, responses.

    CASE SERVCODE when len(SERVCODE) > 3 then substring(SERVCODE, 1, 2) else null AS RevenueCode,

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  • if the string is also 3+ char why not use the left function as well?

    I think the correct syntax for the case statement in this option is


    WHEN len(servcode) > 2 then left(servcode,2)

    WHEN len(servcode) < 2 then null

    else servcode

    END as revenuecode,

    my reasoning for the change of code is

    the first option when the code is > 2 long and left is simplest function

    the second option - its only null when < 2 length so wont be a valid 2 length code

    the third option it is either null or is 2 long so leave as is

    Maybe others can comment on wheter the substring or left function is the most efficient

  • Sweet, that worked. After beating my head against the wall for a couple of hours, I figured I'd post and hope for a quick response (I have a tendency to sometimes over-complicate the matter at hand). One of my colleagues uses left (and right), I've always used substring....Thanks for the help!

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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