Filter or Nested Select statment?

  • LUMunicipality table consists of

    id, Name, Main fields

    Would like to further filter results from the following:

    Select LUMunicipality.Name AS Mun,COUNT(PROPERTIES.Municipality)total

    From LUMunicipality,PROPERTIES Where LUMunicipality.Name =

    PROPERTIES.Municipality Group By LUMunicipality.Name


    MUN total

    city1 17

    city2 1

    city3 1

    city4 34

    city5 15

    city6 16

    city7 18

    city8 20

    city9 27

    city10 1

    city11 5

    I need to further filter this result set based on a string value in the 'Main' field in the LUMunicipality table

    ie; where Main = 'a string value'

    appending HAVING will not work with strings..correct?

    Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks

  • appending HAVING will not work with strings..correct?

    Not correct... you can use HAVING with strings, but not with BLOB columns e.g. TEXT.

    The HAVING clause is effectively a WHERE clause, but acting after the GROUP.

    If you add your filter as a HAVING, you are forcing SQL Server to group some values, just to throw them away. If you add it as a WHERE clause, you are allowing SQL Server to throw away these values before the GROUP phase.

    You are also using non-ansi join syntax. Try this

    Select LUMunicipality.Name AS Mun,COUNT(PROPERTIES.Municipality)total

    From LUMunicipality

    INNER JOIN PROPERTIES ON LUMunicipality.Name =PROPERTIES.Municipality

    WHERE Main = 'a string value'

    Group By LUMunicipality.Name

  • Thanks IanScarlett that resolved nicely and queued me to research more.

    Thanks again


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