How to read a SQL temp table in Access

  • I'm a newbie to Access but familiar with SQL. I have an Access database that is linked to a SQL Server. My goal is to run a left outer join with a SQL temp table (#date_list) and a SQL database table to build data for an Access form. I have created a stored procedure that creates a SQL temp table. My problem is how to reference the temp table given the limited SQL commands available in Access (that is why I had to use a stored procedure to create the temp table). My question basically is how to code the select within Access to be able to execute the left outer join.

    TIA for any help/advice.

  • You can't,it has to be done at the stored procedure execution time. The table is destroyed after that.

    You could go to ##temp which makes it global, but also limits the useofthe procedure to only 1 user at a time.

  • If you create an ado connection object, and call the stored procedure to create the temp table through this object, you can use the connection object while it is still open as the connection for your select statement

    An example is shown here, creating a temp table, then selecting from it. mcnn is an open ADO connection:

    'Get the import description from the brands in the file.

    'Check temp table doesn't already exist

    strSQL = "IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblImpDesc') > 1 DROP TABLE #tblImpDesc"

    mcnn.Execute strSQL

    strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT brand_name " _

    & " INTO #tblImpDesc" _

    & " FROM #tblRegionImport" _

    & " WHERE brand_name IS NOT NULL"

    mcnn.Execute strSQL

    Set rstDesc = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rstDesc

    .Open "SELECT * FROM #tblImpDesc ORDER BY brand_name", mcnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

    mstrDesc = "Brand Level Import."

    Do Until .EOF

    mstrDesc = mstrDesc & " " & !Brand_Name & "."





    End With

    Set rstDesc = Nothing

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