January 19, 2009 at 4:42 am
My table is like this:
Empid Ename
2 yyyyyy
3 zzzzzz
4 mmmmm
begin Transaction
update emp set ename='test' where empid=2
I did not executed commit or rollback Transaction now empid 2 is locked.
When i executed sp_lock it give some information like (RID:1:112:1) means in 112 Page 1 row number got locked .
I want like this ,if i pass empid to a STore procedure is there any way a record has locked or not .I tried with sp_lock ,syslocks,syslocksinfo but i failed.Is there any other way to find whether a particular row has locked or not ?
January 19, 2009 at 5:14 am
are you using 'implicit transactions' ?
If yes: that will issue a "begin transaction" before the first statement you perform and you'll need to commit/rollbak in the end of whatever you are doing.
use dbcc opentran to show open transactions.
If you still have your open connection:
Select @@trancount
will show if your session still has an open transaction.
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