May 12, 2008 at 2:52 am
I have data provided by an external source in which they have a 'from postcode' and 'to postcode' fields. These identify postcode that a certain warehouse deals with.
For example
warehouse From To
1 DL1 1AA DL17 6YY
2 DL17 1YZ DL79 6AA
3 DL79 1AB DL99 6ZZ
If want to find DL7 6FF, you can't use 'between' at it will return warehouse number 2, when it is actually warehouse 1, with DL7 being before DL17.
I can't think of a way to deal with this. I had though of using some sort of calculated value to numerically represent the postcodes and search that way, but no sure if that is really feasible to do.
As suggestions greatly appreciated.
May 12, 2008 at 4:12 am
I guess you could 'pad' that first number before you do your comparisons...
declare @t table (warehouse int, [From] varchar(10), [To] varchar(10))
insert @t
select 1, 'DL1 1AA', 'DL17 6YY'
union all select 2, 'DL17 1YZ', 'DL79 6AA'
union all select 3, 'DL79 1AB', 'DL99 6ZZ'
union all select 3, 'B1 1AB', 'B2 6ZZ'
declare @p varchar(10)
set @p = 'DL7 6FF'
select * from (
select *,
stuff([From], patindex('%[0-9]%', [From]), 0, replicate('0', 5-charindex(' ', [From]))) as FormattedFrom,
stuff([To], patindex('%[0-9]%', [To]), 0, replicate('0', 5-charindex(' ', [To]))) as FormattedTo
from @t) a
where stuff(@p, patindex('%[0-9]%', @p), 0, replicate('0', 5-charindex(' ', @p))) between FormattedFrom and FormattedTo
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
May 12, 2008 at 4:35 am
Nicely done, Ryan.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
May 12, 2008 at 4:51 am
Jeff Moden (5/12/2008)
Nicely done, Ryan.
Thanks Jeff 🙂
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
May 12, 2008 at 5:01 am
That looks good, I'll see if it fits with everything else.
Cheers. 😀
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