create xml fragments

  • Hi,

    Im a beginner in sql server. I have a system where I need to create xml fragments out of a table, i.e. for each row of a table,

    filter out the columns,

    create an xml fragment in a definite format and

    add the fragment to the xml in another table.

    To give you a clear picture of what I am talking about, here is the example:

    Here is the table (Name: Client)

    ID Name Address CustomerType


    1 Rambo 1/1 Dante rd 3

    2 Austin 2/2 Dante rd 5

    3 Jerry 3/3 Dante rd 6

    There is another table(Name:XmlTable)

    ClientId ClientXml


    Now, I have to iterate through each row of the table , create an xml fragment, add the fragment to the corresponding client xml.

    The fragment for the first row might look like:


    {clientaddress}1/1 Dante rd{/clientAddress}



    The old client xml might be:




    After adding the fragment, it should look like




    {clientaddress}1/1 Dante rd{/clientAddress}




    Now this has to be done for each row in the table.

    I tried to find a good example in the net, but was not successful. If anyone could direct me to a good example of iterating through the rows of a table, that would be great.



  • Ashish,

    I don't have a test system in front of me right now, but hopefully can provide some pointers in the right direction. It appears that the "FOR XML" clause in T-SQL might be helpful for generating the XML fragments you need. It has a few different modes that give you varying levels of control over the XML output.

    You might try this to start with:


    and see what that gets you...

    The SQL Server Books Online entry for "Constructing XML Using FOR XML" looks like a good entry point into the SQL Server documentation, as well. Here is the URL:

    -- J.Kozloski, MCDBA, MCITP

  • Hi kozloski,

    Thanks heaps for the reply. I've already done the tasks I was required to do, but my main concern for now is the performance. Here is the detailed steps of how I'm doing it now:

    1. I have a stored procedure named bulkInsert which accepts the file path as string, rowterminator and fieldterminator. This will create a table (as staging) named Address1 and bulk insert the data onto it. It then calls another stored procedure, insertAddress which will filter the Address out of the table.

    2. The insertAddress procedure will select the address and client id and store onto the main Address table. Now the processing for xml starts.

    3. The code for iterating through each row and calling the clientxml procedure looks like:

    DECLARE @xml XML


    DECLARE @ParameterList NVARCHAR(MAX)


    SET @xmlQuery =N'SELECT @client=ClientID FROM '+ @tableName

    SET @ParameterList = N'@client BigInt OUTPUT'

    Set rowcount 1

    EXEC sp_executesql @xmlQuery, @ParameterList, @client=@clientID OUTPUT

    SET @xmlQuery =N'SET @xmlVal1 = (SELECT ClientID AS ''ClientIdentifier'',


    FROM '+ @tableName + '

    WHERE ClientID='+cast(@clientID As NVARCHAR(MAX))+' FOR XML RAW(''ClientAddress''), TYPE, ELEMENTS)'

    SET @ParameterList = N'@xmlVal1 XML OUTPUT'

    EXEC sp_executesql @xmlQuery, @ParameterList, @xmlVal1=@xml OUTPUT

    While @@rowcount <>0


    EXEC ClientXml @ClientID,@xml,'ClientAddress'

    Set rowcount 1

    SET @xmlQuery= 'DELETE '+@tableName

    EXEC (@xmlQuery)

    SET @xmlQuery =N'SELECT @client=ClientID FROM '+ @tableName

    SET @ParameterList = N'@client BigInt OUTPUT'

    Set rowcount 1

    EXEC sp_executesql @xmlQuery, @ParameterList, @client=@clientID OUTPUT

    SET @xmlQuery =N'SET @xmlVal1 = (SELECT ClientID AS ''ClientIdentifier'',


    FROM '+ @tableName + '

    WHERE ClientID='+cast(@clientID As NVARCHAR(MAX)+'

    FOR XML RAW(''ClientAddress''), TYPE, ELEMENTS)'

    SET @ParameterList = N'@xmlVal1 XML OUTPUT'

    EXEC sp_executesql @xmlQuery, @ParameterList, @xmlVal1=@xml OUTPUT


    4. The Client Xml looks like:

    DECLARE @clientXml as xml

    DECLARE @clientStart as DATETIME


    SET @clientStart=getDate()

    --check if the client xml exists in the database

    If not exists (Select * from ClientXmlTable where clientId=@ClientID )


    Set @clientXml= N'{?xml version = "1.0" encoding= "UTF-16"?}



    {ClientNames /}


    Insert Into ClientXmlTable(ClientID,ClientXml) Values (@ClientID,@clientXml)


    --adds the fragment to the clientxml

    Set @addFragment= 'Update ClientXmlTable Set ClientXml.modify(''insert '

    + Cast(@xmlfragment as nvarchar(Max))

    + ' as last into (//'+ @node +')[1]'')

    WHERE ClientID = '+ CAST(@clientID AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

    exec (@addFragment)


    The clientxml takes in clientid, a fragment of xml and the node name it should be inserted into. It then checks if the clientxml exists in the database and if not, creates a new one and saves it. It then inserts the data onto the node specified.

    Now it does the job for me, but im really concerned about the speed. I tested it with a file consisting 10,000 rows (1.01MB) and it takes around 11 minutes to insert the 10,000 records. As you might have already noticed, I'm pretty new to T-SQL and SQL SERVER. If you could point me the flaws in my code and the ways I could improve it, I would really appreciate your help.



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