Extracting Data a Txt file

  • I'm looking to import a txt file and store each field as a column in a table. The file wiill have different columns for each row. The file would look something like this:







    I was thinking of using the Bulk Insert with BCP FormatFile but I don't think that'll support rows with different amounts of columns. Is that correct?

    I could write something using Charindex but it seems like that would be pretty lengthy.

    Any suggestions?

  • You can use sp_addlinkedserver with a schema.ini file. Check out BOL sp_addlinkedserver and example H. You may also have to research building a schema.ini file to deal with the "*" as a delimieter.

    This is what it looks like for Tab delimeted


    ColNameHeader = False

    CharacterSet = ANSI

    Format = TabDelimited

    DateTimeFormat=m/d/yyyy hh:nn:ss

    Col1=colname1 DateTime

    Col2=colname2 Char Width 50

    Col3=colname3 Char Width 10

  • take a look here for the schema.ini info


    You can use


  • Thanks for the links... I'll check em out.

    The weird thing is the Rows are all terminated with the ^

    Not sure how that'll afffect it. I'll read about it.

    I never knew you could create format files for data import. Pretty cool.

  • You can create format files for bcp as well but I think it will still have issues with your varied number of fields.

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