Renaming a SQL 2K Server?

  • Just a quick question...

    I have a SLQ 2K server on W2K. 55 databses. Would renaming the server name in Windows

    affect the databases? Would I need to re-register the new name in SQL?

  • After renaming the Windows server, issue a sp_dropserver, sp_addserver and restart MSSQL services.

    use master


    exec sp_dropserver 'old server name'


    sp_addserver 'new server name', 'local'


  • Yes. I did find this in the forums.


  • Actually, one more quest...I had to rebuild the server a few weeks ago on a new box.

    The new server was built on a node name caled sqltest. After I moved the databases from the old server to the new server, I renamed the node name in Windows (on new server) back to sqlproduction. Do I need to run that query in SQL?


  • A simple verification - on the server in question, execute a

    select @@servername

    If this returns the correct server name then you are all done. If not use the sp_dropserver, sp_addserver method to change the name.

  • Tommy Bollhofer (2/19/2008)

    After renaming the Windows server, issue a sp_dropserver, sp_addserver and restart MSSQL services.

    use master


    exec sp_dropserver 'old server name'


    sp_addserver 'new server name', 'local'


    Just be aware that your current jobs may not function because of changing the server's name you can verify it with this query

    SELECT *

    FROM msdb..sysjobs

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • All good, query returned the correct node name.

    Now I have an .idc error. When in the app that connects to the sql database, there is a link to IE that users click on to open IE.

    The error is: 'unable to open http://servername/idi/scripts/distsumsetdirect.idc? Cannot download the information you requested'

  • You talked about node. Did you build your SQL Server on a cluster? A node is different from a name of an SQL Server on a cluster.

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