Need help creating dynamic sql /stored procedures

  • Hi,

    I am not quite sure how to do this but it seems someone with experience with stored procs would think this is simple.

    I want to send in a column name dynamically to a stored proc to do an update on that field.

    For example, I have a 'User' table, and if a user chooses to update his first name in the ui, i send that info to the proc

    so my parameters to the stored proc, i assume, would be something like




    so the final sql would be denerated dynamically to ultimately say.

    Update Users set '@ColumnName' = '@ColumnValue where UserId = @userid

    or for example:

    Update Users set FirstName = 'Joe' where UserId = 2

    does this make sense?.

    the problem is that not all data column types are strings, some may be datatimes or integers

    any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi,

    Here you can do this by 2 ways.

    1. pass the data type of the column to stored procedure, and create dynamic update statements.

    2. you can check datatype of column using system views, like..


    WHERE Table_Name='tableName' and column_name='columnName'

  • ok thanks for the reply.

    so for example 1,

    could you give me an example of how i would construct the stored procedure ?

    thanks, im a rookie.

  • You can try another way.

    Supose you have this table:


    (UserID Integer,

    FirstName Varchar(30),

    SecondName Varchar(30),

    BirthDay Datetime,

    Salary DECIMAL(9,2)


    You can make a store procedure to update only the parameters you receive using the CASE function in something like this:

    Create procedure spUpdateUser

    @pUserID integer,

    @pFirstName varchar(30),

    @pSecondName varchar(30),

    @pBirthDay datetime,

    @pSalary decimalo(9,2)




    FirstName = CASE @pFirstName WHEN NULL THEN FirstName ELSE @pFirstName END,

    SecondName = CASE @pSecondName NULL THEN SecondName ELSE @pSecondName END,

    Salary = CASE @pSalary WHEN NULL THEN Salary ELSE @pSalary END


    UserID = @pUserID


    Using the CASE Function you can update only the fiels you are receiving in the call.


    spUpdateUser 12, null, null, '1980-06-06', 33333.33

  • You can use case, which will ease your problem. But when fields are more you can write dynamic query like this

    you will pass 4 parameters to stored procedure, say





    then you have to create a dynamic query like this,

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)


    IF (LOWER(@DataType) IN ('int','smallint','float'))

    --u can add some more data types


    SET @sql=@SQL+@ColumnName+'='+@ColumnValue +' WHERE UserId='+@UserId


    ELSE IF (LOWER(@DataType) IN ('datetime','varchar','char')

    -- u can add more data types


    SET @sql=@SQL+@ColumnName+'='''+@ColumnValue +''' WHERE UserId='+@UserId


    EXEC (@SQL)

  • this is great!! thanks for all of your input!

  • Perfect target for SQL injection!

    If you think you product may be interesting for somebody one day you better:

    - check that @ColumnName matches one of COLUMN_NAMEs in


    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TableName'

    - use sp_executesql instead of EXEC and supply @ColumnValue as a parameter to this procedure.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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