Push Subscription issues in sql 2000

  • I was trying to configure Merge Replication between a local server and a remote server.

    - Local server as Publisher.

    - Remote server as Subscriber.(I made Push Subscription.)

    I started the replication with empty database in subscriber and with original Database (includes Tables, SPs, Views, User Defined Functions and data) in the publisher.

    After the (First) scheduled replication time, I found there was structure of all the tables are not created in the remote subscriber, also no Views and User Defined Functions created .

    Also i got the following error in the Merge Agent :

    The schema C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$REPLICAT\REPLDATA\unc

    could not be propagated to the subscriber.

    Please Help Me...can anyone advise what can be done?

    Thanks in Advance .,

  • was trying to configure Merge Replication between a local server and a remote server.

    - Local server as Publisher.

    - Remote server as Subscriber.(I made Push Subscription.)

    I started the replication with empty database in subscriber and with original Database (includes Tables, SPs, Views, User Defined Functions and data) in the publisher.

    After the (First) scheduled replication time, I found there was structure of all the tables are created in the remote subscriber, also no Views and User Defined Functions created .

    Also i got the following error in the Merge Agent :

    The schema C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$REPLICAT\REPLDATA\unc

    could not be propagated to the subscriber.

    Please Help Me...can anyone advise what can be done?

    Thanks in Advance .,

  • Are you able to ping the remote server? How you have registered that server by name or IP?


  • Hi manu,

    thanks for reply,

    I have registered that server by name only,

    This Local server already i had done replication 6 database on merge and tansactional replication to remote server. these two new database. And remote server having 30 databases all are created past 4 years back. but I got error if tried replicate on old database.

    we have got enough space in local server. all old database tables having mim 20 laks records.

    snapshots successfully created 395 articles. after that while running push subscription was not successfully, error mesg as follows

    1. Push subscriptions could not to be propagated to the subscriber.

    2.Generating confilict schema script for article.

    3. The merge process could not Initialize the subscriptions

  • Have you checked the confilict schema script? There must be some messages about articles for which its not able to initialize subscription.


  • hi manu,

    Thanks for reply,

    Merge replication, sanopshot 395 article was created successfully,

    what actual problem in 'server A' one database have 308 tables, Trigger was working fine for follwing one particular table, and there is no issues,

    After creating sanopshot file , i checked maually for check syntax this trigger raise the error, but before snaopshot trigger was working fine. Error as follows

    Microsoft SQL-DMO[ODBC-SQLSTATE -22108]

    Error 206 - operand type clash - uniqueidentifire incompatible with bit.

    Insert Error - colum name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    I am not understand why after creating sanopshot file triger has changed?

    what should i need to be check?


  • Ananda,

    Is there any column defined as a "uniqueidentifier" for this table and check is there any other table where this trigger tries to insert data when fired?



  • Hi manu,

    Thanks for reply,

    I got the sloution, what i have done, open unc path & find out the particular script manually changed and save it, after that Re- synchronize push subscribtion it was working fine.

    I am asking one question? if any one of the database configured merge replication, source database all tables creating one new ROWGUID column automatically for matching source table to destination table (second database server). so after that source database all tables corresponding stored procedure,trigger everything got errors becuase rowguid. after that i have added one parameter(rowguid) in SP,trigger.

    is there any way to resolve this problem ?

    please tell me any other alternative way.



  • Hi manu,

    Thanks for reply,

    I got the sloution, what i have done, open unc path & find out the particular script manually changed and save it, after that Re- synchronize push subscribtion it was working fine.

    I am asking one question? if any one of the database configured merge replication, source database all tables creating one new ROWGUID column automatically for matching source table to destination table (second database server). so after that source database all tables corresponding stored procedure,trigger everything got errors becuase rowguid. after that i have added one parameter(rowguid) in SP,trigger.

    is there any way to resolve this problem ?

    please tell me any other alternative way.



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