Last line of csv never imports

  • Hi,

    I've been importing alot of different csv files lately and have been having a problem with loosing the last line/record on each occasion. I've been importing a variety of different files and all are the same.

    Has anyone else experienced this type of problem and is there any obvious problem with the way I am importing the data. Or is there something I should set along the way.

    Any help welcome,


  • If you are importing your text files using a "text file source" connection, after choosing your file name in the connection properties dialog and then selecting the properties button, you get a "text file properties" dialog. There is a "row delimeter" drop down. Does the last line in your text file contain the row delimiter specified in this drop down? if not, it is probably getting bypassed.

  • Hi!

    You could open the csv file in a text editor... Make an empty line (record) after the last line (record). Please check if it can be imported correctly...

    Maybe this will help...

  • I was having the same problem with csv files created by an external program with a {CR}{LF} row delimiter.

    I got around it by having an the following activex script in my dts package immediately before the import, this adds in the final {CR}{LF} so that the last line is not missed on the import. Replace the open and create filenames with the ones you are using:

    Function Main()

    dim ofso

    dim oSource

    dim oDestination

    SET ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    SET oSource = ofso.OpenTextFile("d:\Racing\Price\zzz_br$24.csv")

    SET oDestination = ofso.CreateTextFile("d:\racing\SSImport.csv", True)

    oDestination.WriteLine oSource.ReadAll()



    SET ofso=Nothing

    SET oSource=Nothing

    SET oDestination=Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • Similar to the last solution of adding the final row delimeter yourself, I copy text files to a staging folder on the sql server using xp_cmdshell.  In the copy command I append a second text file that contains only {cr}{lf}.  Appropriately named crlf.txt.  The file is then imported from the staging folder.  Its never failed.

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